Post No:#760
Something to do while bored:
1) Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
2) Turn to page 38
3) Find the fifth sentence.
4) Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall-FB-/blog. Include the title of book and author.
"Except the subjects that weren't breathing."
from Keeping the Dead by Tess Gerritsen
I shall swallow my words, and take back what I said. For now...
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Post No:#759 Labels: Events, Everyday's Post, Photos
Am going to Hog's Breathe Indooroopilly for dinner later! (I think...If I don't get lazy)
Random photos from the Australia Zoo: Presenting the Tigers!
Okay, the REAL tigers~
I wanna be a tiger handler there!!!!
And some that I put up on DA...
Calf Portrait by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Tiger Portrait 5 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Tiger Portrait 4 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Tiger Portrait 3 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Tiger Portrait 2 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Tiger Portrait 1 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Have to start preparing for my move to Toowong! =D
Relocation of phone and internet stuff etc. Removalists on the 2nd of Dec, going back to pack on the night of the 1st, applying for a new student visa etc.
BACK TO SG on 4th Dec! Meeting Halif on 5th Dec (Let's take another "lomantic" walk along pasir ris park! XD XD). Bobby visiting Sg sometime near X'mas, Hans returning to Sg from Taiwan on 23rd Dec! Talisa in Sg all the time (I think)!!
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Post No:#758 I got into Vet Science! I am soooo happy! And my vocabulary was reduced to "OMG" for like 3 minutes. Was happily screaming when I saw the email, and I think I made Wei Fang deaf for a few seconds. XD... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, my birthday celebration. Shall use the Rockyou! slideshow function to put up a photo slideshow instead of putting up the photos one by one. If you have facebook, you can see some in my albums! I think I broke the record. 234 photos were taken on my birthday night! LOL...That's ALOT of photos. Will be uploading the photos from Aussie Zoo tomorrow! -Logged Off-
Introducing~ (no, not my ugliest photo yet! This is my shocked expression!)
Dear Kari-e-,
your request to change your program to BVetsc has been approved by the Assoc. Dean (T&L).
Basically we met up at Toowong Village and called for a maxi cab, and had to wait like 3omins for it! What the heck pls!? =.="...Well, we got to Friday's and had our dinner, took plenty of photos blah blah blah...Then the cake was presented! With the presents! Thanks everyone! ^^...I really love the pressies! Headed off to Jumbo (bar) for a round of drinks and MORE camwhoring! XD...Talked and whatnot, then went home. It was plenty of fun! ^^
I think its my most "glam" party ever with everyone dressed up! Especially the girls! XD And it's one of the few times (less than 5) that I willingly dressed up and all that!
XD...Love this photo! Yes, acting glam and acting royalty. And yes, its the same person as the one in the first photo. Hahas...
Post No:#757 Labels: DeviantART, Photos, Places
Couldn't sleep, saw the sun rising at around 4am and decided to head out with my Canon 450D
Results? Here you go~ In chronological order. The last one's my favourite.
Kayes Rock -Before Sunrise- by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Kayes Rock Sunrise -1- by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Kayes Rock Sunrise -2- by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Kayes Rock Sunrise -3- by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Nature's Lightbulb by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
I am really happy with how Nature's Lightbulb (above) turned out. It's the best shot of the lot I think, and it's well recieved by the DA community so far. Within 5 mins of putting it up, there were like 4 favourites, and I have never gotten that before. ^^
Bet that most of you living in Toowong haven't found this place. Maybe, maybe not. Well, it's right behind Yang Hao's place, next to 30 Brisbane Street. It's called Kayes Rock...^^ I decided to check it out this morning and I am not dissapointed.
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Post No:#756 ----------------------------------------------- Where: The Waterline Restaurant @ Friday's Bar Club Restaurant. Eagle Pier/Riverside After Dinner: No plans so far~ (Sam has work the next day, Joe has classes....0.o") -Logged Off- Labels: Events, Everyday's Post, Ramblings
Plans for this week so far:
Tomorrow (24th)- Australia Zoo with Momoko!
Tuesday- Birthday Celebration at night @ The Waterline Restaurant located in Friday's Bar Club and Restaurant. Go to the city and change my flight ticket in the afternoon...
Wednesday- Results out! Celebrate or not depending on results...0.o..T.T
Thursday- Back to Gatton to see Vijendra for change of course (dependent on results)
YAY! For another thing.
Mum and Dad says OKAY for Taipei trip in February, which is the reason why I have to go make changes for my flight back to Singapore. Might be doing the whole Brisbane -> Singapore -> Taipei -> Brisbane thing again like before if possible (16th Feb to 23rd Feb in TPE).
But my mum ain't letting me go alone. =.="
Taiwan Taiwan...But no Maldives! T.T...MUM!!!!
ANYWAYS details for B'day again:
When: 6.45pm meet-up at Toowong Village Entrance. Don't be late!!
Who: Tazis left here! XD...Friends of guests are welcomed.
Dress Code: Smart Casual (No need for a suit or formal dress -duh- but just dress up!)
Post No:#755 Labels: Rants
Am so bored!!!! Why am I in the city again? 0.0"...
No one to pool with, no one to eat with, no one to hang out with! BLARGH! Now, what am I to do on my birthday? Hmm...
Am so bored I am watching old videos of Hans singing in Kbox over and over again. At least that's some kind of entertainment...^^ Thanks Hans~
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Post No:#754 Had 1 crab each, damn happy. Watched Taiwan drama Brown Sugar Macchiato while having dinner etc. then he sent me home. Labels: Events, Everyday's Post, Food
Stupid...Storm... (The only decent lightning photo that I took from Hao's balcony)
Was gonna meet up with PC in the city for pool. The weather was still fine when I went out, then as I walked to the 412 bus stop (less than 7 mins) it went from a fine drizzle to a full blown storm of which reminded me of the typhoons in Taiwan. -.-"...
Had to call PC to cancel the meeting cause even though I had my umbrella, I was SOAKED from top to toe (just ask Wei Fang...). Was stuck at the bus stop for like 10 mins or something and decided to risk running back home instead of being stuck there. STUPID STORM!
Anyways, a few updates of what I have been up to in Toowong.
1) Thursday: Joe and his friend Dean drove me from Gatton into Toowong. Then we went for dinner at Singapura's. Then Joe sent his friend back and we went for pool where Lin Xin Ru came to meet us. Saw some bastard torture a street dog (I HOPE HE DIES A HORRIBLEDEATH BY BEING TORTURED OR BITTEN TO DEATH BY DOGS). Sent Xin Ru home, and Joe decided to stop at a petrol kiosk to pump up his tires but the machine was nuts...Then went home.
2) Friday: Joe came with Chloe. =.="...Supposed to go for K Lunch with them but the the place was closed (Thank Goodness), ended up at Indooroopilly for lunch at the food court. Left Chloe after lunch (got asked why I was pulling a black face), and went to Woolworths for groceries. Bought some stuff for Momoko's cheesecakes and Joe bought crabs and prawns for dinner! YAY, CRAB! Well...We finished the prawns before dinner time.
Went back to his place and I made the cheesecakes for Momoko's birthday. Then Joe made dinner of crab and a dish of sauteed celery + "Jiu Cai" + "Lu Rou" -braised mince- (his sister made this) and white rice. This had gotta be the first time I willingly ATE CELERY. Must be the braised mince and that the celery sticks didn't have that really strong celery smell to it. His cooking is improving~
Had 3 blisters the size of 20cent coins on each foot cause of the stupid Nike shoe I bought from Shilin in Taipei. It's authentic somemore!!
3) Saturday: Met Jessica for lunch (PRAWN PAD THAI!) then went window shopping at Toowong. Then met up with her and Vanessa again for Momoko's party. Went to Momoko's party at Friday's then to Jeffery's party at Regatta. I guess it was alright, though I wouldn't do stuff like that again anytime soon. Clubbing just ain't my thing...Got home at almost 3 to 4am and crashed into bed.
4) Sunday: Can't remember, I think I stayed home and slacked...Start of the thunderstorms! Wanted to go to GC, but decided against it.
5) Monday: Joe called, came over to use the internet to sign up for classes. Then went out for lunch at Sunnybank where we met up with Lin Xin Ru for sushi after we went to buy groceries, only to find that the sushi place was closed on Mondays. Went for Korean BBQ instead and it was exceptionally YUMMY! Ate loads!
Sent Xin Ru home and went for Karaoke at Newway (Lunch K!! 0.o). Sang and fooled around for 3 hours and Joe polished off 2 plates of fried rice even after all that food at the Korean place. HE'S CRAZY! He sent me home after that and the conversation in the car would have probably kill someone. 0.o"
6) Tuesday: Nothing much. Went to Hog's Breathe for dinner with Jessica and Wei Fang! Love the ribs there! The food is so yummy! Calamari rings were delish, and their Mocha is awesome!
Pictures:Jess slept over..Wait, we didn't sleep, we talked till morning. Analyzing people and their personalities with Wei Fang. And he's pretty accurate! It was interesting.
8) TODAY: Went to Chinatown to get some groceries with Wei Fang. Had lunch at Superbowl and I think next time I will order rice and dishes cause their set meals are abit...=.=". Got home, tried to go out but you know, the storm.
That's all for today...
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Post No:#753
Gold Coast anyone?! XD XD
Well, I might be going to the Gold Coast from 20th to 23rd of November, and is prolly gonna stay in Holiday Inn @ Surfers Paradise! ^^...The date is pretty flexible, cause I haven't booked it yet, but yea whatever.
I am just so bored here cause everyone I hang out with is pretty much gone! T.T...
Call me if you wanna go. But I gotta say, I am not in the shopping mood so...don't ask me to go there for shopping. I am just gonna go there and chill and relax and enjoy my fish and chips & prawns and calamari from that place beside Palazzo Versace.
Oh did I mention my parents are "sponsoring" the stay as my b'day present?
A quote from Eileen's Blog:
“I hate the way you talk to me.
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots.
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick -
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right.
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh -
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around.
And the fact that you didnt call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you -
not even close, not even a little bit, not any at all.”
From the movie 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
and it's directed at...YOU!
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Post No:#752 Labels: Everyday's Post, Randoms
right through me by =MalvaAlcea on deviantART
That time, I was honestly thinking "I am here for fuck?" cause...I was pretty much invisible and non exsistent while the two of you drone on about things only you know. I hate that kidna feeling and you know I dislike her. You retard. And then you asked me why I was pulling a long face?
If I did the same thing to you (put you in a car with someone you don't like, and only talk to that person while ignoring you, and just talking about things you didn't know about) wouldn't you be pulling a long face too? Come on, we have pretty much the same personality, except maybe you are not as straightforward as I am etc. So? I explained to you and then YOU pulled a long face. WTF...Screw~
Prep for Momoko's 21st b'dae at Friday's.
OMG, I LOVE THAT PLACE! The view and the food is freaking awesome! ^^...Am so going back for dinner or smth...
YANG HAO! Your place is damn hot!
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Post No:#751 Labels: about me
Another cool Meme I found, this time from DeviantArt:
Start with 100%. Bold everything you've done and subtract 1% for everything that you've done. Then repost as you're __% virgin.
1. Smoked.
2. Drank alcohol.
3. Cried when someone died.
4. Been drunk.
5. Had sex.
6. Been to a concert.
7. Gotten/given a handjob.
8. Gotten/given a blowjob.
9. Been verbally/sexually harassed.
10. Verbally/sexually harassed somebody.
11. Felt someone up and/or been felt up.
12. Laughed so hard something came out of your nose. (Soya Milk)
13. Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfrend before.
14. Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend.
15. Been to prom.
16. Cried at school.
17. Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store.
18. Went streaking.
19. Given or received a lap dance.
20. Had someone of the opposite sex in your room.
21. Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over.
22. Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house.
23. Kissed a stranger.
24. Hugged a stranger.
25. Went scuba diving.
26. Driven a car.
27. Gotten an x-ray.
28. Hit by a car.
29. Had a party.
30. Done serious drugs.
31. Played strip poker/darts/basketball.
32. Got paid to strip for someone.
33. Run away from home.
34. Broken a bone.
35. Eaten sushi.
36. Bought porn.
37. Watched porn. It was my bro's computer! Not like I went to search for it...>.<"
38. Made porn.
39. Had a crush on someone of the same sex.
40. Been in love.
41. French kissed.
42. Laughed so hard you cried.
43. Cried yourself to sleep.
44. Laughed yourself to sleep.
45. Stabbed yourself. (With a pen, arm, accident)
46. Shot a gun.
47. Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day.
48. Been online for 9 consecutive hours. (Current Record: 18 hours)
49. Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours. (Taiwan Drama FTW!)
50. Watched an animal die. (Insects?)
51. Watched a person die.
52. Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person present.
53. Pranked somebody.
54. Put somebody in the hospital.
55. Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out.
56. Kissed somebody of the same sex.
57. Dressed punk.
58. Dressed goth.
59. Dressed preppy.
60. Been to a motocross race.
61. Avoided somebody.
62. Been stalked.
63. Stalked someone.
64. Met a celebrity.
65. Played an instrument. (The chinese Er-Hu =.=")
66. Ridden a horse.
67. Cut yourself. Mostly by accidents; falling onto a sharp corner of a short wooden shelf and getting a cut on my forhead etc.
68. Bungee jumped.
69. Ding dong ditched somebody.
70. Been to a wild party.
71. Got caught stealing something.
72. Kicked/punched a guy in the balls. (I slammed a cushion down 0.o)
73. Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend.
74. Gone out with your friend's crush. -I think they mean gone out as a no-
75. Got arrested.
76. Been pregnant.
77. Babysat.
78. Been to another country.
79. Started your house on fire.
80. Had an encounter with a ghost.
81. Donated your hair to cancer patients.
82. Been asked out by someone that you never thought you'd be asked out by.
83. Cried over a family member of the opposite sex.
84. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for 3 months or more.
85. Sat on your butt all day. Hospitalised what...
86. Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself.
87. Had a job.
88. Gotten cut from a sports team.
89. Been called a whore.
90. Danced like a whore.
91. Been mistaken for a celebrity.
92. Been in a car accident.
93. Been told you have beautiful eyes.
94. Been told you have beautiful hair. (That was a long time ago)
95. Raped somebody.
96. Danced in the rain.
97. Been rejected. (I have never confessed. XD)
98. Walked out of a restaurant without paying.
99. Punched someone/slapped someone in the face.
100. Been raped.
Total Percentage Left: 68%...
Hmm...what to make for dinner? I have minced pork, any ideas?
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Wells, time to sleep! Tell me whatcha think of the skin ya?
EDITED @ 3pm:What?! I was falling asleep from studying so I needed something to perk me up!
I remade the piano skin, and I think it looks so much better as a navi skin~ ^^ So yea, check it out ya? Link: The Piano Brings Me Joy.
^^ Time for bed I know...
First of all, good luck to Yang Hao and Joe who are having their last papers today!! I have no idea who else is having exams today, but if you are one of them, good luck to you too!
Anyways, before I go to bed, I just wanna post something:
I have made a new blogskin (yet again!), and here's the screenshot!
Well, it's a navigation type skin (meaning you click on the 'wheels') to get to each part (profile, links, blog) of the blog...I kinda like it, spent almost 2-3 hours on it including coding. 0.o", so if you like it, just go and comment or download it for fun or something. LINK here: Burst Of Colors.
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Post No:#749 Labels: Everyday's Post, Food, Recipes
I HATE PLANT UTILISATION (AGRC1014)!!!!! BLARGH, I don't even know why I am studying it. Like I said to Halif "I am doing Vet Tech, why am I studying about pastures and crops!? It's not like I am gonna be a pasture surveyor or something!"
But for Vet Science and moving into Toowong, I MUST STUDY AND GET A 7 or 6 FOR THIS STUPID COURSE!! Otherwise my mum will ask me to head back to SG and lame around. =.="...Well, not lame around of course, but you get the drift. Right?
ANYWAYS! I woke up late today, and was actually thinking of making pancakes for breakfast then fried rice for lunch. Sidestep: I purposely cooked rice last night just to leave it overnight to make fried rice today...Epic right?! What? I don't like to cook fried rice with 'freshly cooked' rice cause it always turns up a little too wet/sticky and doesn't taste as good as fried rice made with leftover rice!!
So in the end, I settled for 蛋炒飯 (Egg fried rice/Fried Rice with Eggs?) for brunch. I am starting to fall in love with 蛋炒飯 cause it's really simple to make, with the most basic of ingredients, it's gotta be the most basic fried rice out there (Okay, other then the garlic fried rice my brother makes that's really good too).
Obviously I am running out of things to blog about, thus all the food photos! Will be updating on Xiao Yu's birthday tomorrow cause I haven't uploaded the photos onto my computer yet, so in the mean time....^^
Well, it's kinda obvious that I ate more than that small portion of rice there (I had the bowl full initially), cause I only took the picture after I was almost done...I know the background's shit, that's my bedsheet, I was eating on my bed what!
Anyways, I think most of you know how to make fried rice right? I would demo it, but to cook and take photos with one hand each is kinda challenging, but I will do it soon alrights? Cause I don't mind having this for breakfast each day~
Chopped spring onions
Fry the eggs (scramble them), then add in the rice, once rice is heated through, add the spring onions and salt, stir fry for abit and it's done~
Will be updating the Chawanmushi post tomorrow along with Xiao Yu's birthday~
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Post No:#748 Labels: Everyday's Post, Randoms
OMG! I was studying inthe afternoon and then fell asleep till now?! WTHECK please!! T.T...Now I gotta burn the midnight oil to make up for lost time. Zzzz
Dad says we are gonna take a holiday after I get back to SG and I think he's thinking of Maldives!! YAY! But I also wanna go to Taiwan!!! 0.o...I know I am greedy, shut up. XD
Yes, that was sooooo random.
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Post No:#747
I haven't looked around Youtube for Dharni for sometime now, and today there was a feat. video that was about beatboxing and it brought back that one memory from watching Dharni perform in Coral Sec for Teacher's Day one year, so I decided to do a search and see if he has any new videos.
Well, basic intro about Dharni would be that he's Singapore's best and most recognised beatboxer, and is also top 5 in the world (apparently, gotta check though). Anywas, he's freaking awesome and the beats he come up with is just SICK! (In a good way)...He was in Coral Sec, then went to Temasek Poly in Singapore, don't know about after that though, cause I am not acquainted with him at all.
This is what you call, a motor mouth:
Above videos were taken while he was at a 'workshop' in Berlin for the World's Beatboxer Championship thingy, I think. Obviously the vids don't belong to me.
And this was put up by Dharni himself on youtube, that was in 2005...
And a last one to end this post~ If you can't be bothered to listen to the whole thing, at least hear it from 1:26 onwards cause he did a few trumpet scratchings around that time and it's awesome:
Okay, before that, one last fella worth noting which Jason told me about before: Rien from TP as well.
This first vid, I have seen tens of times and have never gotten sick of it! ^^
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Post No:#746 Anyways! I have started studying for my last paper! And to motivate myself, I have changed my wallpaper which makes me smile whenever I look at it! But that's not the point...I really hope and pray that I can get into vet sci cause I think I am in deep shit for my results this semester...>.<"... One last paper to go, 60 MCQs, 2 hours...Plant Utilisation for Agricultural and Natural Environments (yes, the name of the course is too long). CHIONG AR~ Okay, all that study talk aside. I found a new song that I am currently obsessed with! It's called "The Wedding Song" by Chester See (remember the guy on Youtube?), and it's currently playing on loop on iTunes. I swear...I want it as my future wedding song! -------------------------------------- Aren't the lyrics just so beautiful!? I love Chester See!! His other song God Damn You Are Beautiful is also really awesome, so check it out on Youtube or you can hear it on his myspace link here: Chester See -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post, Food, Music
Blogging bug bites~
Don't worry, I am not gonna put up a recipe and steps again, but I am gonna put up 2 photos of food; my lunch and dinner today. ^^ Cause I attempted something new.
Because of Chef Hao, I became hungry. I was looking at his San Bei Chicken (Taiwanese 3 Cups Chicken?) photo on Facebook, so I decided to attempt this dish~ Now, other than for Yang Hao's rendition which I presume to be rather authentic, I have never tried this dish anywhere else, so I have no idea what its supposed to taste like, and have based the results by comparing it with Hao's version...
It was good, but there was no "PHWOAR!!! Damn nice!" effect that Hao's food gives off. Hmm...I wonder if there's something wrong with my steps. My version was a little 'too' spicy cause I put in too many dried chillies!! But it was alright with the egg fried rice that I made to go with it. Yum yum...
Then dinner was:
Baked Crusted Lamb Rack served with a side of mash potatoes and broccoli & carrots (with herb/cream sauce). ^^... Yet to perfect the art of baking the crust on lamb racks...Can't seem to get it crispy enough...-.-", nevermind, I get to practice next year. XD
The link above (his name) shows you to his Myspace page where you can find the song. I can't find it on youtube, and imeem is bonkers, so go check it out. I have the lyrics right here for those that are too lazy.
The Wedding Song (Chester See):
It's in your eyes
And it's in your smile
It's the way you kiss
It's never been like this before
It's the way you laugh
And all the times we had
It's the way you search
I've never loved so much before
The phone calls I never wanted to end
It's like I am falling in love over and again
You are everything that my life's
Been missing and now I
Can't believe this is happening to me
Through the good and bad
The happy and the sad
You won't be away from home
You will never be alone
From LA to Rome
Now with this ring
I promise that I'll be
The faithful and true
Devoted to you through it all
And I'll gladly be
Your one and everything
Right by your side
A shoulder when you cry if you fall
And I'll love you more
With everyday that ends
It's like I'm falling in love over and again
You are everything that my life's
Been missing and now I
Can't believe this is happening to me
Through the good and bad
The happy and the sad
You won't be away from home
You will never be alone
From LA to Rome
I couldn't dream a better life
Without you right there by my side
You are everything that my life's
Been missing and now I
Can't believe this is happening to me
Through the good and bad
The happy and the sad
You won't be away from home
Never be alone
From LA
LA to Rome
LA to Rome~
LA to Rome...
Post No:#745 6) Ladle/Spoon/Pour the egg mixture into each tart shell. -Once done, remove from oven and let it cool for a while until you can handle it without burning yourself. Okay, I know, there are getting to be quite a number of food recipes on my blog, especially since the swot vac started. xD...So for you to find them with ease, I will be putting up a section on the navi bar with the recipes under it. So for now click HERE to view the recipes alright~ -Logged Off-
In order to stop myself from finding things to procrastinate about, I shall update this now so I don't have to go "I need to update blog about...." tomorrow.
Yes yes, it's on food again...WHAT?! >.<"...I made: EGG TARTS! I cheated with the tart shells,and used the ready made one from Coles~ XD
Yep...For brunch. Then after I ate them I remembered, I had Tamagoyaki for breakfast and shouldn't be eating so many eggs...=.=", shall cut down on eggs the rest of the week.
Anyways, recipe!
Ingredients: -1/4 cup Milk
-1/4 cup Thickened Cream
-1/4 Cup Caster Sugar
-2 Egg Yolks
-1 pack (12 individual) pastry tart shells from Coles
1) Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees celcius.
2) You only need the egg yolks for this recipe, so separate the whites from the yolks and discard the whites.
3) In a bowl, combine egg yolks, milk, cream and sugar.
4) Beat with a mixer on medium for about 3-4 minutes.
5) Pour through a seive/sift to remove any bubbles and lumps.
7) Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until its set. Would be a tiny bit wobbly when you shake it.
-Best served warm, fresh from the oven.
Post No:#744 Steps: *The finished pictures are of the tamagoyaki I made this morning while the steps were taken when Momoko was making it. ^^. My first time making Tamagoyaki and it's a success!! Muahaha~* -Logged Off-
Or better known to many Singaporeans as simply Tamago. As the name implys, Tamagoyaki is fried eggs; Tamago = Egg, Yaki =Fried. Also known as Japanese Rolled Omelette.
Momoko taught me how to make this when she stayed over on Monday cause I asked her if she knew how to make them (had tamago craving you see) and she said she made it often so she can show me how to make it for breakfast! Thanks Momoko!! ^^
Now introducing: Tamagoyaki! (I know the photo's not up to standard, I couldn't wait to makan -translate: eat-!!!! Plus I haven't washed my small serving plates, so yea...)
Note: I like my tamagoyaki sweeter than normal so I put in a relatively large amount of sugar as to the normal tamagoyaki, so adjust the recipe to your own taste. Most Singaporeans who eat sushi at Sakae and Genki sushi should find it alright though...
Ingredients: -2 eggs
-1tbsp Dashino-moto (Found in coles, Asian food section)
-1/2 cup water
-2 tbsp brown sugar
-1 tbsp Mirin Seasoning (Found in coles, Asian food section)
-1/2 tsp Soy Sauce
- Pinch of salt
1) Dissolve the Dashino-moto (dashi powder) in 1/2 cup of water.
2) Beat in eggs till combined
3) Add in all seasonings and beat till incorporated.
(PS, incomplete photo set here XD)
4) Add some oil to a small pan and adjust heat to medium. Ensure that the pan is well greased by using a tissue to spread the oil around.
5) Pour in 1/4 of the egg mixture into the pan, and wait till the bottom has set.
6) Mentally divide the piece of egg into 4 sections, and fold in the quarter. Wait for it to set a little more, and roll it in quarter at a time to make a layered piece of egg.
Note: Your egg should be roughly rectangular.
7) Grease the pan again.
8) Pour in another quarter of the egg mixture and make sure to nudge the first piece of egg up a little so that it sits ontop of the new egg mixture
9) Once it starts to set, roll the egg back like how you did it in step 6.
10) Repeat steps 6 to 9 until all the egg mixture has been used up.
Note: ENSURE that as you roll the egg, the insides cook so that you get a fully cooked egg!!!! So everytime you roll it, wait for a bit for it to set.
11) Remove the egg from the pan once it's fully cooked.
12) Cut into bite size pieces and enjoy!
*All steps above demostrated by Momoko~*
Anyway, there is a post on how to make gyozas right below this post. And I will be doing one on Chawanmushi soon~
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Song: Fast Car
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