Post No: #931 Labels: DeviantART, Photos
A couple of teasers from Byron Bay trip~
Growing by the Tracks by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Lambency by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Natural Arch, Springbrook by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
In Gatton right now, don't have my laptop with me so I can't edit or upload the photos. ^^
Kit's birthday dinner tonight!
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Post No:#930 Labels: Randoms
Woke up too early, slept too late~ =.="........SHO SHWEEPY~
Phoenix has classes at 8am today and mine only starts at 12nn.
I am hungry.
Anyways, been trying to get started on the BIOC "Advances in Membrane Biology" assignment these 2 days and it's just a pain. We have to find a recent paper -article not review- (within 9 years) that advances our knowledge on membrane biology and seeing that I understand next to zero about membrane biology everything seems to make me more knowlegeable/confused.
Browsed through papers for 3 hours with the reactions "Nope", "WTH is this" and "Eh.....0.o"". Finally settled on one about the effects of morphine on the receptors of the central nervous system, hopefully it's alright.
HUNGRY~ *yawns*
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Post No:#929 Labels: Everyday's Post, Places, Trips
In Gatton right now, just finished my Immunology and Virology Mid-Sem and I reckon I did pretty well! Studied most of the stuff a week ago, then revised a little bit the last 2 days. Joe and Phoenix were nagging me to get some study done last night~ =.="...Joe of all people~
Waiting for Phoenix to finish classes, at 4pm~ *looks at watch* Hmmm, long wait. I should so totally be doing up my notes for parasitology right now, but I can't work out where I left off so I gave up and decided to blog!
Halif is now a relief teacher in Coral! E/A Maths~ Congrats Halif~ Hahas, try not to kill your students or vice versa.
So after the impromptu trip to GC, we planned a trip to Noosa with Hao and Amanda! =D Wasn't very productive, just the Eumundi markets, food places (big pineapple and ginger factory) and the beach at Noosa, then back to Brisbane~
Selected Pictures! (Big Pineapple, Eumundi, Ginger Factory, Beach)~
It was rainy and cloudy all day and I can't be bothered to edit the photos so bear wiht me. Lunch @ Eumundi!
You know those 3D arts some artists draw on the ground? We saw one! Still in progess but looks great on photos. Not so real in real-life. And the poor drawing had people walking all over it like no one cared or saw it. =.="
Giger Factory!
I thought the ginger ice cream was yums, but Hao didn't which is strange cause he likes ginger more than I do~ Maybe it's the concept of putting it in a sweet~
Note turtle on Amanda's head~ XD Cute!
They had Paddington Bears for sale! Love Paddington, but didn't get one...Too expensive
Lolly shop with the best tasting macadamias ever (yes, misleading picture of lollipops) that are probably the most expensive ever too~
Focus on the fingers. (I kept typing figures) Hao walked up and said "See, Australia zoo!" Cockatoo, Platypus, Croc, Turtle and Emu~
And then back to Brisbane~ ^^
Ok, time to get back to work even though I am famished~
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Post No:#928 Labels: Everyday's Post, Holiday, Photos
It's been more than a month since my last update. Yes, I am still well and alive despite some things that have happened this last month not to mention that I am absolutely broke for April due to one too many holiday "getaways".
ANYWAYS, too many things have happened. Let's start with the half-day trip to the Gold Coast before the 10 days easter break.
So, Phoenix and I decided to go on an impromptu trip to GC because we were absolutely bored in Brisbane + we had a craving for Milk Tea from Hazel Tea Shop + the Ripley's Believe it or Not Odditorium that just re-opened in Surfer's Paradise.
Stopped at Mount Tamborine for lunch cause we missed it the previous time. I find it rather quaint and the shophouses were of interesting colors that you don't normally find houses in, like green, pink, blue etc.
Well, the photos have just been resized and here they are: These 2...stuffed puppets were sitting at the cafe entrance where we ate. I was a little freaked out when I realised what they were. *Permanent patrons of the cafe*
Chocomellocino; Hot Chocolate + marshmallows and a shot of coffee (that I don't taste at all) Totally yummy~
Superb pumpkin soup!
Salmon Pasta: Smoked salmon, mushroom, avocados and cream sauce
Tamborine Pasta (Macadamia + mushroom + avocados + cream sauce)
I like this sign! So cute~
We totally agree~ (One cannot Think Well, Sleep Well, Love Well if one has not Dined Well)
And then there was a cuckoo clock shop, with walls filled with cuckoo clocks!
XD, long lost brothers~
Finally got to GC about 30 mins before Hazel Tea Shop closed, had our drinks then headed to Ripley's. I find it quite an interesting place, but if you aren't interested in odd facts then you will probably find it boring. Just a couple of the more interesting stuff:
Dinner at a Korean place, then back to Brisbane! Most places were closing by the time we got out of Ripley's at around 9 pm.
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