Post No:#916 Labels: DeviantART, Holiday, Photos
I doubt if I will be updating on HK and Taipei cause I already have all the photos up on Facebook. Hmmm...
They were both fun, but I think I still prefer Taipei, less crowded....XD
Anyways, a few of the choice photos~
Dan Shui, Taipei by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Jiu Fen, Taipei by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Sunset on the Rocks by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Sunset in Tai'O by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
The Peak, Hong Kong by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Click to go to the DA page where you can see it in full view~
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Post No:#915 Labels: Everyday's Post
Hosts (Hao and Phoenix) - Check
Camera - Check
Plane Tickets - Check
Accommodation -Check
Itinerary - Check
Winter Jackets - Check
Clothes & Tolietries - Check
Glasses - Check
Adapters - AH SHIT!!! Shall buy them from the airport
Cash - Neh Neh~~~ Exchanging at airport
Looks like I am just about all set~ And according to Joe, I might just see his sister today at the airport as she happens to be working! ^^ At least I can say "Hi" cause Joe says that his parents are rather busy so it's probably better if I don't go over. ^^
ANYWAYS~ I am gonna finish packing my toothpaste and see if I can get another bottle of shampoo, the current one is rather big~
Just 5 more days~
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Post No:#914 Labels: Everyday's Post, Food, Food Reviews
Spent some alone time yesterday after I took the good ol' camera for cleaning and the lens for repairing. According to Canon, the problem with the lens not focusing at all is weird cause normally what happens is that the lens still does Auto-focusing, just that it's not focusing on the right thing or the focusing is off, mine just doesn't do anything "basically nua-ing".
They said that the camera will be ready by Friday, lets' hope they are right or I will have no photos whatsoever from my Taiwan-Hong Kong trip cause I didn't bring my compact camera back from Aussie. 0.o"
Went to shop abit at VivoCity after that, it's still huge but there were less people around, thank goodness. I really dislike crowded areas where people bump into you, then you gotta squeeze past everyone and there will be the occasional person who doesn't seem to ever hear you say excuse me until you shout at them (then they stare at you like you are some alien).
ANYWAYS, bought 2 pairs of jeans from Levi's cause I noticed that I only brought 3 pairs of jeans back from Aussie which isn't enough for my 11 winter days. PLUS they took $100 off the bill cause they are having a promotion where you gave them your old jeans (any brand) and they will give you $50 per pair.
Went to Bakerzin for lunch, saw that they have Linguine Vongole and almost drooled in anticipation. I love Linguine Vongole (aka Linguini Pasta with Clams), and Bakerzin didn't dissapoint. With the amount of clams in the dish, the price was totally worth it. It wasn't that expensive either.
The clams and pasta were cooked just right. When fresh clams are overcooked, they tend to shrink in size and become tough to chew on, but the ones here were cooked perfectly! (And the fact that none of them were sandy was a plus point).The sauce (or gravy) made from clam juice and other ingredients (butter, garlic, chili, white wine and other herbs) had me literally slurping down the pasta, I almost wished I had some ciabatta bread to mop up the remains of the clam juice (I drank it with a spoon instead. XD), it was THAT yummy.
Hmmm...I would like to have somemore linguine vongole right now please and thank you! ^^
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Post No:#913 Labels: Everyday's Post, Holiday, Photos, Trips
Okay, I totally gave up on writing the Cairns roadtrip. Check out the photos on FB instead. XD Yes, sorry I am a big fat liar. >.<" But! To make up for that, I have photos from another trip! Gold Coast with Phoenix. Stayed at Vibe Hotel for one night, enjoyed GC Hinterland area while driving there (didn't actually find Mt Tamborine, but that means I get to go again! XD), lunch, Hazel Tea Shop (for Bubble Tea), dinner at Peter's Fish Market (a small episode when both of us didn't have enought money to pay for the food, ended up with telephone banking to get enough money into my account 0.o"), Max Brenner's then walk along the beach at night.
2nd day, shopped around Surfers for abit then went abit further down to I think it was Coolangatta (it's the southern most suburb of Queensland, just bordering New South Wales! You can literally have a foot on each state at once~) and the beaches there are absolutely beautiful! Drove back for Hazel Tea Shop (more Bubble Tea!) then it was back to Brisbane to send Reiko to the aiport and to pick up Vanessa so she could stay over.
^^ Photos!
Will be (hopefully) updating about Grandma's birthday and the New Year's Eve party/steamboat at Hans' place! ^^
7 days till Taiwan and 12 days till Hong Kong! Can't wait!
Mum's helping me book hotels through Chan Brother's Travel cause I don't have a credit card. Epic fail~
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