Labels: Birthdays
Happy 19th Birthday to Halif Handsome!!
Will blog about the evening out later. YAY! Chocolate Fondue (strangely, with AVOCADO?!) at Breeks~ Shopping at Zara and Times etc...Wanna finish my new book first.
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Post No: #777 Labels: Everyday's Post, Rants
I wanted to blog about Chinese New Year, but, when I walked into my grandma's place behind my parents, someone went "Wah, gan nah chiu eh! Lua dua jia eh..." which is hokkien for "Wah, like tree eh! So big eh!"...WTF...Bad mood
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Post No:#776 Labels: Randoms
First Joe, now Bob!?!?
BOB AND THE APPLE by =LazyMuFFin on deviantART
It's a flash item...Called Bob and The Apple. Think you gotta click on the link to watch it. *Link below the giant box*
Hans & company (i.e MPAJA?), don't get any weird ideas...
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Post No: #775
Wrote something...
Doesn't really mean anything, just popped outta nowhere...
Add a tune to it! XD
Came up with this random crap on my own...So yup...=.=" It's kinda lame. XD
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Post No:#774 Labels: DeviantART, Randoms
Quick update:
1) Haircut in about 45mins time!! Yay~
2) I PASSED MY FINAL THEORY TEST!! (For those un-aquainted, it's one of the two driving theory tests one has to pass in Singapore)
3) Items bought from arrived (dress) and so did the ones from a Taiwan OB spree!!
4) I came across this on the first page of DeviantArt which shows the most popular submissions within 8hours. Though I have no idea why...
Joes Adventures 17 by =LazyMuFFin on deviantART
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Post No:#773 -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post, Halif, Hans
ALRIGHT, updates of what I have been doing for a whole month in Singapore! With photos~
Let's see:
1) Plenty of driving lessons~ About 10 more lessons to go before I finish the course! Might be able to take the driving test by April, or I will just take it in July...
2) Gym gym gym! For the first 2.5 weeks! Then I fell sick, a serious flu, so I couldn't really go since I would be breathless like the whole time, and then Hans came back and so did Bob so we kept meeting up...XD Starting again tomorrow! And, NOPE, I have not lost any weight...=.=" 3) Met up with Halif for quite a number of times...Went to have Dallas Chicken and Ribs at Chinatown (but they don't serve ribs...) one time, went for Twillight, and other stuff. Ate at Tambuah Mas once, and had Soya Beancurd another...
4) Met up with Jessica once. Watched "The Day The Earth Stood Still" at Cineleisure after we had Mango Ice & Adzuki Bean Ice topped with Rum & Raisin and Matcha Ice creams respectively at Shokudo Japanese Pasta and Pizza. The ices was super delicious!!!!! Wahahaha...
5) Went out with Hans and Bobby once, met Hans at Starbucks and chatted while waiting for Bob, then had dinner at Tampines' Cafe Cartel. Thanks for the Yam Pastries from Taiwan, Hans!!! Super delicious~
6)Met up with Hans, Bob and Yeleng a few times, watched Bedtime Stories on X'mas @ Marina Square then had a Karaoke session till 3am, watched Yes Man! at Cineleisure, met up to send Bobby off at the airport with Yan Hao, and yesterday for window shopping and dinner (Tambuah Mas again~). One thing about going out with Hans, if you mention a person a few times that day, Hans will mention him for the rest of your life just to annoy you. XD
6) Dinner with parents plenty of times, dinner at Grandma's a couple of times etc. Ah Mah's Chilli Crab!! Whee~
7) Went for Andy Lau's concert which was a blast!! ^^
8) Online shopping for more CNY clothes~ Thanks to The Spree Party and Fashion Spree (links in side bar) and also eBay Australia...
9) Watched Taiwan Dramas on and!
To-Do list for Jan:
1) Watch "The Duchess" with Yeleng and Hans someday~
2) Watch "Ip Man" (pronounced: Yeep-mun...Not I.P. Man) with someone, someday, someway or another.
3) Haircut with Mum by Wini @ Estique Salon.
My hairdresser has gone from Heatwave @ Marina Square to Anthony's Boutique at Central Mall, and is now at Estique Salon at Pacific Plaza with the prices going up and up...=.="
4) Get a vest for Hans as New Year's present and also something for Yeleng.
Okay...That's about it.
Labels: Music
I am updating my blog now!!!
But first, new song! Yes, I know I just changed it like, 3 days ago, but I just realised that Alan Luo has a new album that came out on Boxing Day! 26/11!! I am so slow...=.="
ANYWAYS this song was in Hot Shot as well for those that watched...
没原因 就是喜欢你
在初次相遇 有重逢的心情
深呼吸 让心动隐形
完美的爱情 是无声的旋律
听 我听你 不确定的语气
等 我等你 放下你的犹豫
嘿 如果你 轻轻闭上眼睛
我会明白 你做的决定
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
没原因 就是喜欢你
就像海眷恋 天空般 的心情
你前进 看着你背影
就足够世界 无条件 的放晴
你 如果已 爱上他的姓名
爱 如果已 没有我的空隙
嘿 只要你 可以永远开心
我会情愿 渐渐被忘记
Cause I Believe 那幸福不灭的定律
在你手心 会有谁给你的美丽
静者恒静 就让我的心安静地守着你
Oh I believe Cause I believe
你的手心 不一定要由我握紧
就像恒星 总会有发光的原因
Oh I believe 你值得被珍惜
On Twitter
Artist: Tracy Chapman
Song: Fast Car
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