Since Samantha asked for photos of me in Taiwan, here goes nothing! Samantha!! Is that okay?! XD XD That's the only photo I have of me, and Joe took it...>.>" Joe's photography skills = -.-"
Alright, I am kidding...There are more photos, but I shall warn you, they are out of focus, and kinda hurt my eyes when I look at them cause I am so used to focused, clear images.
Hmmm...They actually don't look that bad when small.
-Joe's back view, again, as usual-
What! I did say they are old school just-stand-and-smile poses with the tourist spot behind! I love that Woolly Mammoth shot, hahas, just so happens that they were displaying the exhibit of the woolly mammoth body or something at the CKS memorial hall museum.
Don't ask me why it's there, I don't know. And no, that's not the exhibit, it's a blow up balloon version of the woolly mammoth.
Okkay, I know I know, I was supposed to go alone and why is my dad there too right?! Well, as most of you people ALREADY know, there was a misunderstanding about my arrival date between me and Joe, so I was literally stranded at the airport for 3 hours (my own fault as well...), and my mum was worried so she sent my dad after me, and I was supposed to just go around with my dad for those few days.
In the end, I managed to contact Joe, who asked me to check out of the hotel and ask for a refund for the days I have not stayed there, which I did and he came with his dad to pick me up from the hotel (which was not bad by the way...=D Thanks Hao!) and move to his place (which was friggin' huuuge...0.o").
Shall stop the story here. All I wanna say is, I LOVE TAIWAN!!!!!!! XD *Am going back AGAIN! I don't care, I wanna go!*
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Labels: Everyday's Post, Holiday, Photos
Post No:#687 Labels: Everyday's Post, Photos
More photos from Taiwan! Will put up others soon.
Stone Entrance by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Stone Guardian... by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Taipei Dayview by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Taipei 101 v1 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Taipei 101 v2 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Gatton is TOTALLY FREEZING my NOSE off!!!! The day before yesterday was the WORST, couldn't feel my nose for the whole day and today was not much better except it was kinda warm in the afternoon. >.>...*hates*
Chef Hao, I wanna eat 卤味!! Or some of your other good stuff (which is pretty much all 0.o")!!! Shall attempt Mapo Tofu on Thursday for the first time and I will let you guys know if it will be the last. 0.o"
Haven't been able to watch The Dark Knight! T.T And Wanted is coming out, and Mamma Mia is almost done showing! I haven't watched any of those, movie marathon anyone? Guess not.
I finished the snacks I've bought from Sunnybank! BAH!! Have to get more if I am gonna study *munch munch*. Chocolate Iced Custard Donut...Fish...
Loads of work to do and it's only the second week! Time is running away from me!
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Post No: #686 Labels: Everyday's Post, Holiday, Photos
I just found out there's a loyal reader of me blog! XD XD...So yea, for DEAREST YANG HAO, I shall update this blog. XD
Well, as you guys know, Singapore was extremely boring but I went out with Halif once for dinner and just walked along the whole of Pasir Ris Park for like 1.5 hours! =.="...Here are some photos from the dinner session!
This is Halif when the food came! He looks skeptical eh? Here's his food!And this is Halif after having his dinner...>.<" Now, that's all you need to know about the food in that place. 0.o...I still can't believe it's Korea's No.1 Chicken Restaurant.
Went to Taiwan after Singapore!!! =D, Was fun there, but could have been better! Oh, and I must say something first, which is that, the photos I took are only of the scenery and one of Joe and a pond thingy. Here are some photos that I have edited and uploaded...I shall just embed it from DeviantArt. Not in any order...
Reds and Greens by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
The Face in the Garden by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Pentagons... by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
CKS Memorial Hall Taiwan by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Reds, Blues and Greens by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Leading On... by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Pristine... by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Water and Stone... by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Lover's Bridge, Taiwan v.1 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Lover's Bridge, Taiwan v.2 by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
Will update more about the trip and put up more photos soon! =D
*Holiday Mood*
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Post No:#685 Labels: Randoms
Will be leaving for Taiwan soon!! =] (In about 33 hours?)
I actually can't help but look forward to getting out of SG which has not been very nice to me except for the food. My friends are missing?! (With the exception of Halif and Jessica...)
Weather in Taipei ain't looking good though. A check with Yahoo! Weather almost put me off cause they had like "Scattered Thunderstorms" for each and everyday I will be there. WOW! That's...AWESOME! *Better bring an umbrella*. A check with other websites mainly showed cloudy with scattered thunderstorms or chances of a thunderstorm on only 2 days. I am going there for photography too, and I kinda dislike overcast days cause they make everything grayish.
Shopping! Eating! Growing Fat! WHEE!
Anyways, some updates on my DeviantArt account:
Some Colors... by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
The Singapore Flyer by ~Snapshot89 on deviantART
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Post No:#684 Went to a pastry bakery store after lunch to get some of my favourite pastries, namely Egg Tarts, Red Bean Paste biscuits, Lotus Seed Paste biscuits and Wife Biscuits. Though they are called biscuits they are really more pastry like. -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post, Features, Food, Food Reviews
Okay, CHEF HAO, this post is dedicated to you because remember you told me to have the famous BBQ Sambal Stingray for you? Well...MUAHAHA, eat your heart out! Sambal Kangkong with Cuttlefish! One of the star dishes here.
Seafood Fried Rice (That blob of chilli there is absolutely WICKED) I normally don't eat chilli sauce, but I had so much of this one. The sauce is really fragrant and its not too spicy, awesome with the fried rice!
SAMBAL STINGRAY!!!!!! (=P) Wickedly spicy/ fragrant sambal chilli on stingray that has been BBQ to perfection and is crisp on the outside. Need I say more? *drools*
Salad Prawns, not much to rave about cause I don't normally like these. I prefer wasabi prawns.
And one more of the stingray for a good measure.
*This blog shall be all of fooood*
Well, the sambal stingray was for dinner. Had it at one of the more established "zi char/BBQ Stingray" places called Rong Guang BBQ Seafood. Panel of Judges: Me, my dad and my mum, and this is extremely bias cause we have been eating there for years and the food is just as good/even better than before!!! *Located at Clementi, some distance after Ngee Ann Poly going towards the direction of SIM) For lunch, we had it at CHINATOWN. Yang Hao told me about this place he said I have to try and so I did, dragging my parents along! Took some time to find it though cause my dad parked in the totally wrong area. >.>" It's called "Lan Zhou La Mian" located at the "Gourmet Street" of Chinatown, next to a few steamboat places and near to "Da Dong (Dim Sum).
Fried Hokkien Prawn Noodles. This was so friggin' awesome!!!!!! They had noodles of 3 different thickness in there which gives this awesome texture. "Fire" was strong enough and the noodles was well flavoured, it soaked up all the flavours in this dish!! Beats ANY hawker stall, even the ones at Chomp Chomp Sembawang.
Zha Jiang Mian. This was alright I guess. Noodles were really springy (QQ de!) and its no wonder since they make the noodles to order! Sauce was good, but could be better. I think I like Hao's Zha Jiang Mian better... >.<"
These are (quote from Jess) "THE BEST FRIED TOFU I HAVE EVER TASTED!". And I have to agree. Simple dish, yet sooooo satisfying. Had some salt and pepper thrown on to give it some flavour. The texture of the tofu was so awesome...I can prolly have like 2-3 plates of this on my own. XD
Xiao Long Bao. These dumplings have minced meat sitting in a "soupy" interior of the dumpling. I like the ones here cause the dumpling skin was rather thin, yet strong enough not to tear and let the soup out of the dumplings, but the minced meat might need some work. >.<" Not a bad dish at all overall cause there is like a TON of soup in these ones. Check it out!
Collection of pastries. (Lotus Paste, Pineapple Tarts, Red Bean Paste, Wife Biscuits, Egg tarts, Green Bean Paste)
The owner of this bakery, a lady from Hong Kong.
Red Bea Filling...Love it!
My favourite egg tart!!! These ones aren't too sweet like what so many other places serve. Love them. Oh and I managed to get all of them hot from the oven!
Post No:#683 Shall end it at that cause I haven't uploaded the very last few days' photos onto my laptop. =D Now, to talk about life in Singapore since I got back! Fifth Day: Rotted at home! Eighth Day (Friday): Was sooo bored that I actually started on my next sem's Plant and Animal biology notes! Wtheck...Oh and it was also Talisa's birthday! Went and picked my paternal grandma from the elderly's home where she needs the professional care, and brought her back for the weekend. Watched one DVD, 30 days of night. It was alright I think...28 weeks later was better. XD Ninth Day (Today): Supposed to head for the gym, but well, I am procrastinating. Will go tomorrow!! And am being forced to update this blog. DINNER AT GRANDMA's later, where she's gonna make my favourite CHILLI CRAB! AH MA I LOVE YOU!!!!! The future days in Singapore before I head for Taiwan (on the 12th) are unplanned except for some haircut/style/dye etc. session, shopping session, facial session, gym sessionS, and meeting up with Hans either tomorrow or Monday. Isn't Singapore boring?! OH, and remind me to "remind" (I mean annoy) my dad into bringing me out to a few places for dinner and lunch, and for my Canon 450D which I can then bring to Taiwan for photography! HAN CHIANG, I wanna watch HANCOCK!!!!! >.>...Don't get the wrong idea again. It's HANCOCK, not Han's cock... -Logged Off- Labels: Events, Everyday's Post, Food, Randoms
Conversation with Hao:
Hao: "Eh. Got spiders"
Me: "Eh? Where?"
Hao: "Your blog"
Me: "Where got!?!??! You trying to get me to update right? Spiderwebs..."
Hao: "No blog no sleep, deal"
Me: "No deal, and I just woke up & you are talking abt slping" (1.32pm, SG time)
So yea, this post is induced and "forced" by the very beloved CHEF HAO! Shall be updating about few days I had (11 actually) in Brisbane after the exams. I MISS HAO'S COOKING! And I am in friggin' Singapore where it's supposed to be food heaven. What's wrong with me?
Can't remember all the details, but I know that I did spend like 3 days with Hao staying over at Joe's for movie marathon and that they kept stealing and poking and doing whatever to my "polar bear" under the blankets. (Yes, Joe is disgusting). There was some gayness in the room in the mornings when we wake up and I remember the incident where the both of them came in and said "Oh my god, damn smelly". Found out that Hao was brushing his teeth and Joe decided to...urm...poop at the same time. XD XD
Okay, shall stop those "Joe is disgusting" moments cause they will prolly fill a dictionary. Or 2.
ANYWAYS. PHOTOS! *This is one of those times when you see a Pharmacy, Vet Tech, Architecture and other Business students hang out all together. Oh and UQ mixing with QUT students.*
*These ones are of the pubbing session we had after the exams.*And these are the ones taken at Ajisen, which we went to when Charlotte came back.
Let's see...First night, dinner at Paul-san's Jap place known as Azuma! Love the Jap food there!!! Omg!!! No pictures from there though, didn't bring my camera. Eh heh...
Second Day: Gym and dinner at my Grandma's place where she made my favourite Chicken CURRY and Pig Organ soup and other stuff! Aunts and uncles were all there too! =D Oh and so were my cousins.
Third Day: Rotted at home...
Fourth Day: Lunch at grandma's (Tao Hui! and Wanton Mee!) My favourite wanton noodle store is like finally operating again!, then gym then dinner at grandma's again!
Sixth day: Outing with Jessica! The irony...I came back from Aus and the first person I meet up with is someone I know from Brisbane who is also back for holiday. >.>...Oh, and dinner at Grandma's.
Seventh day: Rotted at home, then went out with Halif during the evening and had dinner at a place called "BBQ Chicken" which serves mainly deep fried battered chicken! Wow...And it's quite expensive considering KFC serves almost the same food at a larger portion too. >.>...Not good, don't go there. Will be posting up those photos tomorrow, they are still in my camera. Then Halif and I decided to take "lomantic" (romantic) walk along Pasir Ris (not beach though) Park from like 8.45 to 10pm?
Hahas...That's a kind of workout! Legs kinda aches. The "lomantic" walk was filled with mozzies and we had to walk in a wrong direction which led us away from his place and we only noticed after like...20mins! >.>"...Walk ended at his place where I took a bus home from the bus stop.
OH! The buses in Singapore are better now! The seats are not as cramped together as last time and my knees don't touch the back of the seat in front anymore! =D But Brissy buses are still better. XD
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