Post No:#566 Labels: Celebrations, Events, Reflections
Yep, so after the Gold Coast trip, next event queued was the Mooncake Festival Celebration!!! ^^
Too many photos (79 to be exact) to post one by one, so I will be using the trusty RockYou slideshow feature instead, just like I used it for the Gold Coast photos.
So, I spent the night back from Gold Coast making the lotus seed paste, till about 5am. In the end, I didn't use it cause...The red bean paste was far more superior. Hahas...Woke up at 9 and prepared to go to Joe's place. Got there, went to Coles to buy some stuff that I would need then headed to his house.
Started on the mooncake skin once I got there, but I think I made a mistake when copying down the recipe cause the skin was WAAAY too dry, it was like I was making moonBISCUITS instead of moonCAKES. Went to have like lunch till like 2+, got back and continued on the skin, got Joe to help out...blah blah blah, FAST FORWARD-ing...
Kin Fatt and Co, came at about 5+ and moved all the barbecue items to Kit's place where we were holding the BBQ. At that time, most of the mooncakes were cooking, left with a few, quickly made them, and then I went to buy the drinking stuff. Met Joe at the bus stop and quickly left for South Bank...
Once we got there, I started...CAM WHORING with other people. Heh heh heh...Was fun and everything, then towards the end, after Kit took out Irene's Birthday Cake as a surprise celebration, I think that the lack of sleep for 2 nights and lack of water that day got to me, and in the words of Ping Chiuan "Ah Ma, Game Over liao." had a freaking headache from then onwards. Jess and Vanessa took out their sparklers and I am basically fine as long as you don't wave them in my face cause I was a little dizzy as well. Jess was like "Hey, I suddenly feel like singing CNY songs!" and I was like "If you sing CNY songs, I will immediately 'fan lian'!!!" cause of the headache.
Kin Fatt came back to get me after he sent Singking off, so I left with him and Ping Chiuan to go to the city. Got home and fell asleep immediately. Phew...Thank goodness for the 2 of them, otherwise, I would prolly fall asleep or faint, whichever first, at Kit's place. XD
Yea, that's pretty much it about the "lowlights" of Mooncake Fest. Was fun, food was awesome, loved the surprise lamb chops that Kit provided(THANKS KIT!!), glad that people at least had the mooncake (Jairal stole and ate one by himself!). ^^
School's starting tomorrow!!!!!! Arrgh...Bio study study again. Thanks Halif for all the moral support you gave, even though you might not know how much some of your words helped. ^^...I love my EVIL TWIN!!! (In the brother-sisterly way). And thanks Yan Hao, for letting me rant to, and STOP LOGGING all the MSN conversations!!!!!! Hahas...
Was out pooling with Kit and Yang Hao just now (before 12 midnight). Joe came and joined us cause I told him I had to return him his umbrella. Asked them all a questions which is "一個愛你的人和一個你愛的人, 你會選擇哪個?" (Yea, it's in traditional Chinese, but if I can read that, most of you should be able to cause my Chinese sucks!) or translated to English "Between a person that loves you, and a person that you love, who will you choose?" Don't think so much about it like whether the person that loves you is the type you like or pretty or taller than you or anything, just answer it.
All three guys weren't able to give me an answer, and this is the norm with guys. Most girls will choose the person that loves them, but for me, I would choose to go after the person that I love, even if he might not like me, I can still try! So, whats your answer? Share it with me!!!!!
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Post No:#565 Labels: Quizzes
It's...Quizzes again!You Should Play the Drums
You are often hyper, restless, and full of a little too much zeal.
However, people may be surprised to know that you can focus your energy well.
You are driven and engaged enough to be a great drummer... and you have the stamina to practice for hours.
In fact, when you can channel your energy productively, it only increases!
You are independent and spirited... but also consistent. You can definitely keep the beat.
You work well in a group and contribute heartily - without needing to take the lead.
Your dominant personality characteristic: your aggression
Your secondary personality characteristic: your precision
Why not guitar?!?!?You Are Toast
Old fashioned and a bit of a homebody, you totally go for comfort food.
You're the type who loves to cook for friends, and they love you for it.
You truly know what tastes good, and you can often pick out the best dish at a restaurant.
You don't fall for food trends. You stick with what's been food for a long time!
This is so absolutely true!!You Belong in London
A little old fashioned, and a little modern.
A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock.
A unique soul like you needs a city that offers everything.
No wonder you and London will get along so well.You Belong in Barcelona
When it comes to Europe, you don't want to decide between culture and fun. You want art by day and a big party by night.
Barcelona is ideal for you. You can check out some Picasso, eat some tapas, take a siesta, and then dance all night!Your Animal Personality
Your Power Animal: Deer
Animal You Were in a Past Life: Panda
You are a fun-seeker - an adventurous, risk-taker.
While you are spontaneous, you are not very rational.
WTHECK?? Jairal was right with panda!Your Birthdate: November 25
Calm and understated, you struggle to express your love with words.
Over time, your partner learns to recognize your passion by the actions you take.
You're good at wooing someone slowly, without them even realizing it!
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2
You are most compatible with people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of the month.You've Already Found Love!
Whether you know it or not, you've already found love
And this guy could be it, so hold on to him!
And if you're single, start looking more carefully at your guy friends
It could be anyone you already know, so keep an open mind.
Eh?!You Should Drive a Saturn Sky
You're sleek and smooth, and you need a car to match your hot persona.
Besides, sometimes you want your top up - and sometimes you want it down.
Dad?! Are you reading this??Your Life Is Worth... What Your Sleeping Position Says
You have a passion for everything - including sleeping.
Outgoing and brash, you tend to still shock those who know you well.
You tend to be selfish. You are the most likely type to take over the whole bed.
You gravitate toward comfort and don't like extreme situations.
If you don't get enough sleep, you are: In a very bad mood
It's hard to sleep next to you because: You hog the covers.The Part of You That No One Sees
You are passionate, romantic, and emotional.
You put love first in your life, even though you have often been disappointed by it.
You expect to be swept of your feet, and you never expect infatuation to die out.
Underneath it all, you are scared that you aren't lovable.
Your insecurity has ruined many relationships, as you are unable to see the love that's really there.
You are secretly afraid of being alone. Confronting your insecurities is incredibly painful.You Are A Realistic Romantic
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...
But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.
You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets
You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!You Are 16% Girly
Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world.
And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment.
LOLYour IQ Is 125
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average
Your General Knowledge is GeniusYour Travel Personality Is: Easygoing
When you travel, you're looking for a lot of downtime. Vacations are your chance to recoup.
All you need is a scenic spot and plenty of time on your hands. You'll figure out the rest.
You're not one to make lots of plans when you travel. You just follow whatever path seems right.
Guess that's about it for now...^^
Post No:#564
GOLD COAST!!! Let's separate this post into 2 days alright??
Day 1:
Kin Fatt decided he wanted to come along so he asked if I wanted to share a room with him and Ping Chuian, I was like "Really?? Alright!!" cause I was so totally NOT looking forward to staying at Backpackers in the first place. Fatt booked The Courtyard (Marriot) cause his Dad or something is a member there. Heh heh heh...Wa Kio Tio La!!
Anyways, we all met at Central Station at about 9am, and bought the tickets to go to Nerang Station where we will be catching a bus to Surfer's Paradise. Kit arrived first, followed by Yang Hao, me, Irene & her friend, Joe, Stella, Samantha & Selena, Chloe and finally Kin Fatt and Ping Chuian. While waiting, Joe and Kit decided to play with the volleyball and it became a football! Wtheck...Some fell asleep on the train and others were fooling around or listening to music. I was cam-whoring!
Got to Nerang, met Kit's friend, Felix, and waited for the bus, got to Surfer's and the others checked into Backpackers. Joe decided to share the hotel room with us cause the backpackers room was only for 8 people, then we decided to head off to our hotel and see if we can check in while they unpacked. Couldn't in the end, so we met the others for lunch. Heh heh, cause we had Joe on our table, we could enjoy SASHIMI, WHOOTS!!! Food was good, portion a little large.
Girls decided to do some shopping so me and Chloe headed down to the beach with the guys. They played volleyball, and 2 holidaying Frenchmen decided to join us, followed by 3 Aussie girls. The group just got bigger and bigger. Joe and Chloe took a rest and went down to the sea, while Kin Fatt walked along the beach. Ping Chuian joined Joe and they went swimming while Chloe went back to the game. Others were playing non-stop. I was just photographer for the day. Hahas...
Then we got tired and decided to head back to the hotel room to change and unpack our stuff, met the girls at the beach again after that and it was cam-whore all the way. Joe started throwing people into the sea, first he dragged Chloe and got Yang Hao and Kit to help him. Then it was Kit, then Yang Hao, and I helped them to throw Joe into the sea, boy, he was heavy. LOL...Then I was complaining that it was cold (HEY, WIND WAS BLOWING), and Joe was like "Very cold ar? Come, I help you." and he started chasing me around the beach cause he wanted to throw me into the sea. Luckily no one helped him cause I doubt he can carry me on his own. =P
After all that, me, Joe, Kit, Hao, Felix, Fatt, Chloe and Ping Chiuan went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and also to wait for the girls. Some misunderstanding happened, so in the end, only the 8 of us went for dinner at this Korean BBQ. Dang, the food was good!!!!!! No comments on whatever happened after that, but instead of just 4 of us sharing the room, it became 8 of us. Didn't manage to sleep, but managed to rest my eyes.
Day 2:
Met up with the girls and checked out. Went for brekkie and then caught a bus to Movie World!!!! Me, Kit and Chloe skipped all the rides except for the Scooby Doo. Kin Fatt joined them for some, but was with us most of the time. Joe, Ping Chuian, Samantha and Selena are CRAZY!! They went on ALL the rides. OMG... First up, Lethal Weapon...
Got forced onto Scooby Doo by Joe and Kin Fatt and I was like "One of you better sit beside me so that I have something to grab onto!" Ended up sharing a car with Joe, Ping Chuian and Kin Fatt. I think I almost ripped off Kin Fatt's arm and made everyone in my car deaf. There was a part where it was like the Panasonic in Escape, at every turn I screamed my head off. At the last part, Joe was like "Ah ma, I think it's the end." and just as he finished, the whole car ran downwards and I screamed my head off!!!!!! Stupid Joe, just cause he was sitting in front and I can't see what's going on, scared the heck outta me.
Me, Kit and Chloe all came out with jelly legs and arms. LOL...Afraid of heights mah!!!! Then we went to the games area where you can win prizes by playing games. Kit won a Scooby Doo for Irene!!! Joe was like "Why waste money playing and then winning, just buy the doll from the shop!" I was like "Cause it means more if it's a win!!" Then they went on the rest of the rides, and we watched the Parade while munching on Hot Dogs...Nothing much...Got to the train station, went back to the City and had dinner. ^^
Post No:#563 If you guys wanna see the bigger size pics, you can just go to DeviantArt, or you can click on the photos and see. ^^ On the way home Joe called and he was Kaypoh-ing about where I was, what I did and who I was with. He is like the biggest KP ever! Lol... So today, headed down to meet Ping Chiuan in the City, then we went to Sunnybank to meet Joe to buy groceries for the BBQ on Tuesday. Had lunch at this place called Little Singapore, AND IT WAS SHOIK-A-LICIOUS!! Had Hainan Chicken Rice for $10.80. T.T, in SG that would only cost me like $3. Ping Chiuan has Dried Curry Noodles or something, it was good too, and Joe had Nasi Lemak. I was like "WTHECK, I want Nasi Lemak the next time I come." and we shared a ICE CENDOL!!!!!!! CENDOL! CENDOL!! Wahaha...Okay sorry. Been soo long since I had Cendol. Yum yum. Bought the meat and contemplated over buying seafood, decided not to. Bought some other stuff like bread, mushrooms, onions and lettuce. Went to get Lotus Seed Paste from the shop across the street but they were sold out!! T.T, bought lotus seeds and sugar instead, plan to make my own. But Joe got some Red Bean Paste from somewhere so I don't have to make that. Then we brought everything to Cultural Centre to wait for the bus to Joe's place where we were gonna leave everything. Then cause I told him I will be moving to Taringa next year, he told me it's not convenient in the sense that there are no major shopping centres in walking distance so if I need to buy groceries, I have to go to Indooroopilly or Toowong. So he took me around Toowong and showed me some places that I should and can consider. Ping Chiuan was like "Where are we going??" and I was like "Oh, looking at places for me to stay next year." and he was like -.-"... Then we took the bus, to Indooroopilly cause he needed to get his vacumn cleaner's head, and at the same time he can show me what Taringa looks like and I am like "OK! I am so not living here." cause there is nothing there!! Like food and stuff, NOTHING! So we went to Indooroopilly and he asked about the vacumn cleaner's head. Then Ping Chiuan went home from there and I took a bus with Joe cause all buses that go to the city have to pass by his place anyway. His friend called and told him it was raining heavily in the city and everything then whe he hung up, he asked if I wanted to go to this place first so that I can get an umbrella. Went to his place, got the umbrella and he walked me to the bus stop, and left. Bus came, got on bus, got off at the city and noticed "EH, WHERE THE UMBRELLA?!?!" so I took a damn bus BACK TO TOOWONG, took the umbrella and luckily, the bus came just as I took the umbrella, and WENT back to the CITY AGAIN. Oh, and the rain stopped. -.-"... Almost missed my bus, brisk walked all the way from the Casino Hotel to my bus stop, bus came 2 mins after I reached. Phew!! All that for an umbrella, cause I didn't want to lose it as it's not mine. Normally I would go "Heck lah, I will get a new one and give it back to him and apologize." But I made up mind to get it cause there was a bus going to Toowong as I got off the bus FROM Toowong. Told you guys I am blur as a "sotong"!!! Oh wells, time to pack for the Gold Coast trip!! Gotta be at central station at like 9am lah! -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post
I am so effing tired!! Once you see my journeys today you will know why.
From Home -> City -> Sunnybank -> Cultural Centre -> Toowong -> Indooroopilly -> Toowong -> City -> Toowong -> City -> Home
The bolded parts are like the most stupid parts and you will know why later. I took out my bus ticket 10 times to show the bus drivers today! That's like the most times EVER! Even in Singapore, I never did take out my Ez-Link so many times.
Anyways, after I got home yesterday, Ping Chiuan and Kin Fatt asked me to go have Mac's with them in the city, and since I was not feeling that good, and homestay didn't prepare dinner at all, I decided to go with them. Went to Eagle Street Pier's 24hrs Mac's and I was so hungry that I downed 2 fillet-o-fish (they were kinda small) heck-lot of FRIES and about 6 nuggets. HEY! I didn't have breakfast, lunch OR dinner, that's why I had alot to eat. Anyways, we walked it off by walking to Story Bridge from there. The VIEW WAS OH-SO-EFFING AWESOME I TELL YOU!!! Heaps better than South Bank. Here are the pics:
Post No:#562 Labels: Everyday's Post, Rants
Got pissed in school today. A-fkin-GAIN!! Arrgh, I don't even know why I was SO PISSED. Maybe cause...Mr. "Bao Qing Tian" appeared again and he was smiley with everyone except me, what's with that 撲克臉?!?!
HEY, if you are pissed at me, the tell me! Otherwise, I won't know what you are so pissed about and if it's really me, and you don't let me know what I did wrong, I can't fix something that I didn't know I DID!?!?! LIKE WTF, no one can read your mind. 撲克臉很酷嗎?!?! 幹嗎一臉不爽的樣子?!
Was so pissed that I told Wei Fang and Kin Fatt to leave me alone, cause otherwise, I would explode if anyone talked to me. Went to Chinatown as planned and TRIED to get the ingredients for the mooncakes. In the end, all I bought was the mooncake mold, salted eggs and a tin of Sweetened Red Bean Paste. Found out that the freaking red bean paste was expired after I bought it and the store has a no refund policy. ZZZZZ...Couldn't find ready made lotus seed paste, well, I did but it was expired so I didn't get it.
I ran around the 3 supermarkets to get the ingredients. And went to each one like TWICE. Wtheck...
Is it THAT hard to find ingredients for making mooncakes??!!? Well, I can jolly well make my own lotus seed and red bean pastes cause I know how to, but it will up alot fo time as the red beans have to be soaked overnight then boiled for like...1-2 hours till soft, then blended, and fried with oil and sugar. T.T...Lotus paste is easier. Hahas.
Gonna get the flour, sugar and eggs tomorrow at Sunnybank along with the barbeque stuff...Hopefully they sell the pastes there, otherwise I am so screwed, cause I will have to MAKE the pastes. The horror!!!
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Post No:#561 Labels: Everyday's Post
Can't sleep!!! Arrgh.
Hahas, am suddenly craving for Easy Way's Honey Green Tea with Lychee Coconut Jelly!!! It's like my all time favourite from Easy Way. We (Me, Kit, Joe) have been there so many times that I literally can tell what they are gonna order before they tell the cashier. Joe's order is always "Da Bei Zhen Nai Qu Bing" (Large, Milk tea with pearls), Kit's order is always "Zhen Nai, Zhong Bei" (Milk Tea with Pearl, Medium) and mine is forever "Honey Green Jia Lychee Jelly, Zhong Bei" (Honey Green tea + Lychee Coconut Jelly, Medium!) and this is always what we will say when we order.
Heh, wish there was someone that can deliver it to me like now!!! Hahas, was fortunate enough for it to happen once, but it was not like a midnight craving, was the Wednesday that just passed in fact! I started thinking about Easy Way during Biology class, and even though I have like a 2.5 hour break after that, I was just simply too lazy to go to Queen Street to get it. Smsed my "grandson" and asked him to get it for me cause he's working in the city anyway. Thanks!!!! =D, this is the kind of pampering you get when you are a "grandma"! XD
Will probably be heading down to Chinatown tomorrow to get the ingredients for the mooncakes. Maybe I will drag someone along to help me carry the stuff, then we can have lunch there as well!! ^^...Will be making Chilli Crab sometime during the holiday too I think. Hmmm...Am in the cooking mood. 0.o"
Shopping on Saturday!!! Lalalalala!! Before you misunderstand, it's shopping, FOR, the food for the Barbecue which is happening on Tuesday!!! Gonna go to Sunnybank Plaza and get the food with Joe in tow. More like he is dragging me along. T.T, I am like so "old" as a grandma and I still need to carry heavy groceries!!?!?! LOL, but I am going cause I heard that there is a Singapore/Malaysian restaurant that serves food that ain't too bad, and since he asked me where I wanted to have lunch, so course I chose Singapore cuisine!!! So basically I am going just for SG food. XD
Gold coast on SUNDAY!! WHOOTS. Going to Surfer's Paradise with 10 other people. Heh heh, staying there for a night and enjoy Surfr's Paradise during the day, then going to Movie World on the second day, before heading back to Brisbane city. Might even meet up with David there, cause he is going as well!!
LALALALA! BARBECUE ON TUESDAY, and making mooncakes that day too! Don't plan on making them using homestay's kitchen, cause I will make a rather...huge mess and there won't be people around t help me. Gonna make it at Joe's place, cause he offered to help out, better his kitchen than Janelle's! Other people won't be free to help out cause most of them are going horse riding with the school, and we need 2 of them to "book" the BBQ location first as it is on a first come first serve basis.
Hope all goes well...
Still not sleepy!! WTHECK...OH wells....
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Post No:#560 Labels: Rants
你幹嗎一臉不爽的樣子? 撲克臉很酷嗎?!?!
What's up with your attitude my friend?
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Post No:#559 Labels: Cameras
Okay the techie in me is working up. Itching fingers want a new camera. Still love my Panasonic DMC TZ-1 though, bought the TZ-1(sliver) in 2006!!! Woah, I didn't know that it's been only such a short period of time, I thought it has been quite some time already cause Panasonic has aleady upgraded to the TZ-3 the last time I check.
If I get a new one, I will still keep the TZ-1 cause it's lightweight and I can bring it almost everywhere I go. That gives you a clue. My next camera, or better said as the ONE I am after (but probably won't get...T.T) is the Panasonic (GO PANASONIC!!) DMC FZ-50 (in sliver).Well, I am no pro when it comes to photography, but I just want to upgrade from the compact to this Semi-DSLR cause I know I am capable of more. Some feats are:
-12x Optical Zoom (Gotta loove megazooms)
-10.1 effective Megapixels
-Mega Optical Image Stabilizer with Intelligent ISO Control
Something that made me ponder so long about getting this camera is it's size. It weighs 1.5lbs = 0.6804Kg, which is rather light I would say, but it's dimensions are like (width x depth x height) 5.6 x 5.6 x 3.4 (inches) or 14.2 x 14.2 x 8.6 (centimetres)!!!! That is rather big, seen in it shops and I got to say I AM impressed.
Read more about this camera on Cnet or on itself.
Sponsors anyone?? Or you guys can just chip in and make it into one huge-ass birthday present for me. ^^
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Post No:#558 Labels: Ramblings
Late night ramblings are just getting worked up.
Like I always said and shall continue to do so, FOREVER is OVER-RATED, and now I come to realise, even "ALWAYS" is just a OVER-USED phrase.
Why? Cause I simply don't believe in forever, as there is no such thing as forever, unless you are a un-biodegradable plastic of some sort. Everything has got an end coming to it, it's just whether it's gonna happen sooner or later.
Forever? Pah! I am not just referring to the ever typical "I will love you forever." in relationships. I am referring to friendships as well. Once again, friendships have been made and broken. Hey, no surprises there. I am no good at keeping friendships, that I know and I won't lie. Honestly, if people don't come and talk to me, I don't bother to do that unless I have something important. I am not one of those people that talk to others for no good reason. Which is why, everytime I move on from one place to another, I only manage to keep in touch with a handful or less. Which also explains my limited amount of friends. Sometimes, I just simply don't see the point in talking to some people anymore. 0.o...
Been called a 2-headed snake previously in Sec Sch. So what? I really don't give a heck and that's my attitude towards just about everyone and everything unless he/she/it means something to me. What are 2 headed snakes? IMO, they are people that backstab everyone to others and backstab those to even more people. I won't say I have never done it, everyone's done it in someway or another cause there will always be that slip of tounge, and sometimes I do it on purpose. Hey, I am honest about it. Bitching is a everyday thing now. Come on, face reality, no one is your "BEST FRIEND" in this competitive and selfish world. There are good friends, close friends, hi-bye friends, but ask around and probably 2-3 will help you when you are in need. Someway or another, something bad about you is gonna slip out of your friend's lips. Best friends exsists! Only in movies and books and perhaps your dreams and mine.
Why do I think always and foreve are over-used and over-rated? Well, that is cause of people that go "We will always be friends.", "Friends Forever.", "I will always be there when you need me." Oh come on, screw that crap already. People just use thsoe to appease and patronise others. Friends come and go, only those that go through thick and thin with you are worth risking anything for. An impression left by the so-called friends (whether good or bad) will stay and probably fade later on. Oh wells, cruelty of reality, FACE IT. (Easier said than done...^^) Which friend is ALWAYS there when you need them? No one for me, rather look for me golden retrievers than humans.
Yea sure, there are some that are usually there, but well, they last for about...a month? Then they get tired of your bullshit and start to avoid you or just simply change the subject when your problem is raised. OR, even better, they LET YOU KNOW that you are getting really tiresome so you stop looking for them, then they come along one fine day and ask "Why! I haven't seen you for so long. What's up?" Sky's up and everything else is up your ass. Ha...
Now now now, let's not get vulgar. If people want to tell others stuff about me and sabotage me social circle (HA? What social circle. I know right?), go ahead and do it. Not like I ain't been through nothing like it before. *Rolls Eyes*...Well, if that does happen, then I'll be getting the last laugh cause...That's what make those people lesser than me eh?
Well well well, everything's fine and dandy, another 2 months in this shit-hole place and I am back in SG for 2 months and it's back to this shit-hole. How extremely fun.
Ciao for now me peeps!
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Post no:#557 Labels: Blogskins
Heya people!!
New skin, like finally. Still black though, and no, this time, the image is NOT by me. I took it from a DA user Mi-Principle and I am also using the same image as my desktop background. Kudos to Mi-Principle!! You guys should take a look at some of his stuff. ^^
Used an additional brush on the image and basically that's it, easy peasy...I wanted to re-make something like this on my own, but I couldn't find any good guitar brushes. Yea...So! I am not bluffing about my obsession with guitars, I am simply smittened by them! Love the sound that comes from it, to me it's a little "stronger" than the classical ones I guess. But I have no musical genes what so ever.
Anyways, talking about music, I have changed the playlist on my blog. It's now featuring JJ Lin, my all time fave!! And it's not on auto-play cause Yan Hao finds it annoying. >.<"...XD, so yea, just play if you want to listen.
Well, hope you guys like the changes!! ^^
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Post No:#556 Labels: Everyday's Post
Went out again today, and just like every other Saturday, it was with Yang Hao, Kit, Irene, her friend (whom I think none of us know the name of) and Joe.
Had lunch at Toombul again, then went and bought a book from QBD, titled "The Last Witness" by Jilliane Hoffman, will write about it when I finish reading the book, give me about 4 days, cause I have a Chem test on Monday, so I have to study.
Met them outside Hungry Jacks, then while waiting for the others, Joe and Kit decided to go Daytona-ing instead. -.-"...Followed them, then met up with the others and headed to South Bank to watch Surf's Up!! I like it, but not as much as other movies, kind of above average I would say, out of 5 I would give it 3.5...Throughout the movie, me, Hao and Kit kept going like "na ge Joe, na ge Joe, na ge Joe (That Joe, That Joe, That Joe) cause the chicken was named Chicken Joe, and then I was like, "next time just go...Chicken Joe, Chicken Joe, Chicken Joe!!!" (say it fast!)....
Went to look at the sites for BBQ-ing after that, then walked back to the city (BEEN SO LONG SINCE I STEPPED ON THAT BRIDGE...Still love it!!), and headed to Elizabeth Arcade for dinner.
Irene and her friend decided to go off after that, and I went with Kit, Joe and Hao to the ARCADE (4 times in 2 days..0.o) and watched them play DAYTONA AGAIN! -.-"...Not that I mind. Doesn't really bother me I guess. Headed off the Cue City to play pool again...Lost every game I played cause, well, I didn't actually aim, and I wasn't really in the "high" pool mode.
Caught a cab home after that and managed to save $4 cause the cab's Eftpos machine cocked-up and could not process, and I only have that much cash on me, which was $4 less than the actual fare...Driver tried like 7 times on the machine but was all rejected, cause there was no response or no network...What would happen if I didn't have cash? Hmmmm.....
Oh wells...That's all that happened today. A typical Saturday for me.
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Post No:#555
I am so thoroughly in love with Youtube's musicians and their array of acoustic guitar covers!! I am absolutely in love with acoustic guitars, head over heels in fact. Hahas, well, this post will be dedicated to some of my favourite covers by the musicians on Youtube. Kudos to them, and keep it up ya?! In the order which I searched for the covers. IF you only want to listen to like 1 or 2, you absolutely have to listen to the Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved cover, Ryan Cabera's True cover and Delta Goodrem's Lost Without You cover.
First up, Hoobastank's The Reason, covered by user Fargenbastich
Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved, covered by Rlisias
Dashboard Confessionals' Vindicated, covered by Jeremyvandehey
Maroon 5's This Love, covered by Rlisias
Ronan Keating's When You Say Nothing At All, covered by Rlisias
Counting Crow's Accidentally In Love, covered by Rlisias
Ryan Cabera's True, Covered by DisneyPiratePal
Delta Goodrem's Lost Without You, covered by DaViglio
Okay, that's about it for now! Hope you like those covers as much as I do. ^^
This post half satisfied my craving for acoustic guitar. Hahas, been so long since I heard anyone play live.
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Post No:#554 Labels: Ramblings
Looks like my holiday week is going to be pretty packed!!!
First of all, we are going to Gold Coast on Sunday, and coming back on Monday evening. Then on Tuesday, Jess, Yang Hao, Vanessa and I are going to Joe's house to make the mooncakes and then meet the others for BBQ during the evening or at night at South Bank. Then on Wednesday, we are going to the Australia Zoo with the school!!!! XD...
WTB new camera....
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Post No: #553 Labels: Everyday's Post
Sorry for the extreme lack in updates. XD
Anyways, there hasn't been much going on. Watched Ratatouille on Saturday with Joe, Kit and Yang Hao, others were busy or just didn't want to come. RATATOUILLE IS AWESOME!! I love the part where all the mice were in the kitchen helping out, especially when they kidnapped the pest inspector and the retrenched chef (Whom I forgot the name of). Gotta watch!! Love the ending!! ^^
Was wearing a kinda girly top again that day...And that was the one that Joe kept going "AH MA! Today wear till so pretty meet who/go where?!" And not surprisingly, he asked that again and I was like "I went dating la!" and the conversation was:
Joe-"With who!?!?!?"
Me- "You care so much for what sia!? lol"
Kit- "Ah ma of course is go on date with Ah Gong lah!!!"
Me- "Wah LAO! I tell you all how many times, don't have AH GONG LAH!!"
Joe- "Who is ah gong, faster, tell!!"
Me- "I go date must be guy ar? Cannot girl ar?"
Joe- "Who who who?! Which girl you go out with must wear till so pretty?"
Me- "You don't kaypoh lah"
Joe- "If it's girl that different case, pretty not??"
Me- -.-"........
And the fact was that, I didn't go anywhere! I only went the the library to do some research then met them for movie!
After that, we headed for Karaoke!! Irene, her friend and Vanessa decided to join us, but Yang Hao went home first. It's been oh-so-freaking long since I last K-ed, but it was still the same songs, JJ Lin's Chi Pang and Dong Jie = must sings! Then Joe was like "Wo shi chao hui chang Lin Jun Jie de ge de hao bu hao!" (translate: I am damn good at singing JJ lin's song can!?) So the first few songs were like all JJ Lin's and Joe was like "One more JJ song and I will faint man!!" LOLZ... Vanessa was the awesome-est singer in the whole group, "HEY, Soprano okay, don't play play ar!"... Then Kit's singing would prolly be kinda good for like Andy Lau's songs, cause his voice is rather deep and kinda strong IMO. Ended up every song he sing like become rock. XD
Anyways, after that, we took a bus back to the city and Kit sent Irene and her friend back, while I walked with Joe and Vanessa back to Foundation House where we dropped Vanessa off. Was gonna get a cab from city, but luck was on my side and we saw one while walking away from FH, took that cab home while Joe went and meet Kit to walk to city together.
KARAOKE ROCKS MY SOCKS! XD, I love Karaoke, make me miss SG MORE! K-BOX in SG when I go back alright people!?!?!?! I miss singing with Tings, Hans and Tata...T.T
Gonna make mooncakes at Joe's place on the 24th, wahaha, dragging Yang Hao along and maybe Kit too to mess up his house. XD...Just kidding, making it at his place cause me and Yang Hao both live in homestays so it won't be ideal for us to make it at either our places and we decided on Joe's place since he was the one who suggested he wanted to help. XD...BBQ on the 25th to celebrate the Mooncake Fest. Then going to the Australia zoo on the 26th with the school!! Gonna practice wildlife shots. ^^ (WTB DSLR or semi-DSLR)
Ice-cream day tomorrow!! I love Gelatissimo!
Some random photos: Yea..Me...IN freaking PINK!
Kit and Yang Hao aka Hao-ge...
Break time!!
Irene...Cute hor?!
Stella...She has the "What ah ma doing or?" look...
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Post No:#552 Labels: Everyday's Post, Food, Ramblings
Okay...This is so random, but I have a sudden urge to make mooncakes. It's not that I want to eat them, but then, I just want to try my hand at making them cause I have never done it before, plus the Mid-Autumn Festival is on the 25th September. I know I can easily buy some from Chinatown, but they cost like AUD$27 for a box of four. -.-"...
Read some recipes for making mooncakes and they look kinda simple, all I need is lotus seed paste, ingredients to make the dough, if I want, salted egg yolks, and the mould. Gotta find the mould first before I can make the mooncake. Hahas... Here are 2 recipes I found which looks rather simple to make: Recipe 1 and Recipe 2...Recipe 1 is by the chef in Yan Can Cook, (the chinese dude "Yan can cook, so can you!" the one in the Da Hua soy sauce advert) and the second one is just a random online source. Will probably mix the 2 recipes together if I decide to make the mooncakes... XD
Planning for a BBQ on 25th Sept to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Fest. Gonna be at South Bank!! My favourite haunt. HAHAS. Anyways, it's not confirmed yet cause it's on a Tuesday and most of us end between 4.30-5.30 with a few exceptions. Thinking about the food, maybe we will make it like pot luck and everyone bring something and we will just cook. Mooncakes will definetly be on the list, otherwise, what kind of Mid-Autumn fest is that!?!?!?
Anyways, I am like done with my Physics Research assigment!! Thanks to help from Yan Hao for the journal articles and info on vortex generators!! Got a 13.5/15 for the seminar, and hopefully I can get a 5 or a 6 for the Essay itself. Chemistry has been done last week, and Bio presentation and essay are due next week. Haven't started! YIKES! Then the mathematics project presentation starts tomorrow, in random order. *STRESS*
Am looking forward to weekends alot more nowadays, maybe it's cause of the company as now I am hanging out alot with my "grandchildren" Joe, Kit, Kin Fatt, Yang Hao and Gang. I like going out with them, cause it's simple stuff like pool, movie or just a major makan session, it's like back in SG where I meet Hans, Talisa and Tings for Pool, K-Box or movies! The atmosphere is exactly the same, maybe it's got something to do with the "head" of the groups both being Taiwanese. LOL...RATATOUILLE on FRIDAY if nothing goes wrong. Heh heh heh...
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Post No:#551 Labels: Ramblings
It's kinda weird how I didn't actually put on weight after coming to Aussie (lost like 2 kilos actually. LOL). Not that I want or need it, (am huge already), but everyone around me has been telling me how much weight they put on ever since they came here. I don't know why, but I have been thinking it's cause I am now having smaller portions for lunch or none at all (if the food is that bad), then I have been skipping breakfast cause I have to rush for school? Dinner, I eat as per normal unless the food is something that I find distasteful, then I will just take like a little bit.
Another thing might be cause of the walking I do here. In Singapore, I am used to taking like a cab here, there and everywhere, or getting my brother or dad to drive me somewhere. Even if I have to take a public transport, it's like I get someone to drive me to the interchange! But over here, I walk from school to city every day, then maybe like once a week or every two weeks, I walk all the way to Chinatown from school and back!
So I have been thinking, maybe this is the time, for me to start some exercise regime. Since my homestay has a pool, I might as well make use of it and swim on weekends or something. Don't think jogging is too safe around here, especially since I only get back after dark half the time, but homestay has an area with an exercise bike and some weight machines I think, so I can always use that. Just thinking about it. Don't even ask what drove this to my mind, I honestly have to idea.
Anyways, that's that. Am just thinking about it, will prolly do it, but then, according to experiences, I will fall out of it in like a month or something. Gonna do something about it.
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Post No:#550 SATURDAY: 1st September... Had to return books to UQ, so I went to school to pick up some IT data for Joe first. Couldn't copy the file cause it was read-only and stuff and I was like "WTHECK!??!?!" Luckily Jairal and Emir were there, so I asked them for help and Emir came over to fix things up. Co-incidentally, he had to return books to UQ as well, so we went together. Then, we headed to Indooroopilly where I visited to shopping mall, it reminded me of Paragon!! Anyways, yea, then we took a bus that would drop him off at Toowong and then me in the city where I was meeting Joe & Co. again! Hahas. Was early by like 2 hours, and had a sudden craving for Ice-Cream so I went to Gelatissimo, and guess who called? Joe, da boss called cause I told him I would prolly be rather early, cause I will be going to UQ then after that I will be in the city to wait for them, and he had a job in the city so he was early as well. Went for pool, then to the arcade and bought Easy Way (Bubble tea) while waiting for the rest. Went for dinner, then we all went to South Bank's riverside for the RIVERFEST!! FIREWORKS! WHOOTS. Saw like a gazillion IES students there!! And everyone was ooh-ing and Ahh-ing at the fireworks. I was behind, and my view got blocked by a tree. XD...Anyways, after all that sulphur pollution, we discussed where we were gonna go next (pool or Karaoke as mentioned last night) the original plan was Karaoke-ing but then after much discussion (about transport and what-not) most of them drew out, so I went for pool with Joe, Kit and Yang Hao. The management at Cue City is seriously screwed, and Joe was on the verge of exploding cause of their management. Finally got to play, so we played from 9.30-11.15? Kit left from there and Joe and I went to central station cause the plan was that he was going to send me all the way to Toombul, see me get on a cab, then go home by train again! I was like "WTHECK? You got alot of time on your hands or something?" and he was like "No matter what, you are still a girl, and it's so late already, plus there are so many weird people around." Then after some debate, we went around the city and looked for a cab to take. Ended up only getting on the cab by 12.10am! Like wtheck.... Reached home with extremely tired and aching arms and legs, and neck and back. Was so tired I just slumped on my bed and but couldn't sleep cause of the aching. Been a crazy weekend and today it's time to tone down...Cleaning of room and homework!!! Was suppose to go Karaoke with Kit and Joe today to make up for yesterday, but in the end Joe just fell sick, so we are postponing it (AGAIN) to next week! LOL....Oh wells... -Logged Off- Labels: Events, Everyday's Post
Sorry for the extremely LATE update. Eh heh. Tell you what, I will post up the kangaroo stuff another time. Shall be posting about the outings with Joe, Kin Fatt, Kit, Yang Hao & Co. First of all...
FRIDAY: 31st August, Laksa Day + Pancake Manor + Arcade
Made laksa (Thanks goodness for prima taste...) for all 12 people, can't be bothered to count, and sadly, there just wasn't enough of it. Hahas, I myself had the leftovers consisting of bean sprouts, laksa sauce (fishcakes!!!) and prawns. I was like "WTHECK? Like that only ar?! Hahas, so many prawns for what...." and Joe was like "Aiya, I peel the prawns for you loh!" I was like "Can also! I lazy to peel prawns." And in the end, Yang Hao was the one that peeled all...5 prawns for me and he left the prawn heads on the table in a neat row and he was like "This is Joe's dinner!!!" and when Joe was cleaning the table he was like "OEI Yang Hao, wtheck you doing LAH?!!?!" And at that moment I was half-swallowing a fishcake and drinking water, and cause of that comment I choked!! Heh, I cooked and we used Nelson's place, so Joe started to do all the dishes cause he was the first one to eat! Now Nelson's kitchen is clean again!
Then we were fooling around Nelson's house (THANKS TO NEL-RAL for lending me your place to entertain people! And THANKS TO AL for letting me cook the stuff at your place!! AND THANKS TO JESS and the others who lent me bowls and forks and stuff), and we took a "family" potrait, cause apparently I am the Grandmother, Kin Fatt is the eldest grandson, followed by Joe, Yang Hao and Kit. The others....are random people. Nah, just kidding...And while watching some chef program on TV, we saw pancakes and I was like "I wanna eat pancake leh...." and Joe was like "You want? LET's GO! I pay for Ah-ma (grandma)" and the rest was like "YAY! JOE PAY!! Let's go!!" And he was like "HUH? I only pay for Ah-ma!!!" LOL, funny people. XD...But we still went anyway, and I had blackforest cherry! Yum!! Me loves black heh...And Joe actually went and paid for mine, cause he said that he still owes me for lunch the other time. >.>"...It's been damn long since people treated me to anything can?!
Then we all went to the Arcade to watch them play Daytona USA. They are damn good CAN?! Drift till so nice, DAYTONA LEH! Come on lah! Who the HECK drifts in DAYTONA!!!! *jealous* Played Air-Hockey, me Vs Joe, then the basketball machines, me vs Joe vs Kit...Kit kept pressing the solo play button instead of the link play button!! PHOTOS below!
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