Post No:#924 Labels: Shorts
I am so not ready to start travelling to Gatton back and forth 3 times a week, but what's done is done and I am not moving to Gatton, at least not during these 2 years that I am doing my 2nd year~
Classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8am, 11am and 9am respectively. Shouldn't be too bad!
Sorry for not updating in eons~~~~
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Post No:#923 Labels: Everyday's Post
I swear, scary cabbies are seriously freaky! I mean, you are like stuck in the car with them and pretty much can't do anything about it when you are on a highway/expressway cause they can't stop and you won't be able to get another cab!
Hate scary cabbies, it's either what they talk about, their tone or their driving!? WTHECK!? Just met one when I one the way home today that has freaky topics, tone and driving skills! =.="...
Happy Chinese New Year Everybody!!!!
CNY's been hectic this year with Grandma down with Pneumonia. Had to cook on the second day for visitors cause Grandma was admitted to the hospital on the 14th~ Wishing that she will get well soon~ ^^...
Hans and Yeleng came over to visit~ ^^
Phoenix is all the way somewhere in China~ T.T.....And his phone is running low on battery cause they forgot his charger. XD
And it's like 6 days till I am back in Brissy! I am torn between wanting to head back and wanting to stay!! My parents, grandparents, buddies and doggies! T.T~
Anyways, it's bedtime, just wanted to update a small bit, photos of a few events and the visit to the musuem soon~ ^^ Hopefully
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Post No:#922 Labels: Rants
Feelings by *djwedo on deviantART
You know that feeling?
That when you want answers yet they can't be found?
the end by *meppol on deviantART
I once ever said that people always have a choice.
I asked you once, asked you twice...but the answer always disappoints.
Seems that it might not be true!
You always say "hmm, I don't know" or "issit really important?"
Things may rank differently with different people~
Of course it's important! I won't ask if it's not.
Sometimes I don't even know what I want.
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Post No:#921 Labels: Everyday's Post
Stuck at mum's office now~ Eldest Bro brought rojak~ =] Went out with Yeleng earlier, supposedly to get her CNY clothes but I don't think we were very productive at all. XD
Still waiting for my clothes to arrive for Taiwan, bought 3 tops from Flesh Imp (Yes, I am FLMP siao!) and couple of leggings from Marks and Spencer cause I am kinda afraid that the clothes might be late then I will be in a sticky situation. Hmmm, went out with Mum and Elder Bro (Jason) on Saturday afternoon to get his clothes and my shoes, then in the evening Jason left and my eldest brother came and joined us to get his clothes. XD...Shopped loads that day, but not for me~ =.="
Bought another pair of shoes from People's Park (Chinatown) on Sunday with parents and eldest bro, cause I wanted something other than sneakers. =D...Shoes this year are black and flat. You know how sneakers have a thicker bottom so you end up slightly taller? The shoes I bought this year have really thin bottoms~ Not that I mind cause I am more than tall enough. xD
Dinner at parents' Jap restaurant tonight! And I don't have my camera AGAIN! =.=" And I still haven't finished the brochure cause the photos are U-gleh! >.>....
Anyways, I don't think there's much else I can update about. Photos of shopping spree up soon!
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Post No:#920 Labels: Everyday's Post
I got a new haircut and color! My eyes look totally weird in the photo~ No eyelashes what so ever.Hmm, the other stylist, Edward (my go-to stylist is Wini, but Edward's really cool too!) was talking to me and he said that he wanted to trim my eyebrows. XD, he did it with a razor blade and the styling scissors with a comb (like old school barbers doing those "slope-up" hairstyle for school boys). No pain whatsoever and looks pretty good! Hahas, he's awesome.
Color's dark burgundy brown I think. No highlights this year and didn't update my perm cause my scalp's getting abit sensitive so did a scalp and hair treatment...hmmm~ It seems to be working well, losing less hair already~ XD
*Done at Estique Salon, Pacific plaza level 3 look for Wini or Edward*
Gonna go shopping with Yeleng tomorrow cause she's looking for CNY clothes, mine are coming from Taiwan~ ^^ Might visit Flesh Imp cause I saw a couple of their tees online and they look pretty nice. Then might get a fliter for camera lens as well and liquid foundation which is running low.
Just finished watching K-Drama Boys Over Flowers, I know I am really slow. XD, I like the songs! And I like Kim Bum (Yea, Kim Kim's Butt =.=), he's mega cute! ----------------------------------------------------
CNY is coming!!! Hmmm...Time for getting red packets in exchange for being "insulted". =.=...I already have the top 3 things people will say to me listed out.:
1) WAH! You come back already ar? When are you going back? How long more have you got to stay there?! *reply: 4 years* SO LONG AR?! Aiyo~~
2) Wah, still very big hor? Never go on diet ar?
3) Wah~ Very long never see you already leh! Grow up already hor! (Grow up can be equate to grow bigger cause both is 長大)
=.="...I hate CNY
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Post No:#919 Labels: Everyday's Post
Daddy wants me to make those A4 sized, folded brochures for the restaurant. >.>
Am pretty much stuck with the conventional designs with a zen-typed feel to the background and stuff.
I wished I paid more attention in graphic design classes now....Wait...I never had graphic design classes, only drawing and product design classes. >.>
I still remember I can't draw to save my life. Must be lucky that I just gotta arrange stuff on the brochure and not actually draw anything~
I do like graphic design, it just takes a long time for me to complete anything other than blogskins. Talking about that, it's time for a new blogskin no?
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Post No:#918 Labels: Everyday's Post
Lollipop is spelt as C-H-U-P-A C-H-U-P-S...
I want choc-banana flavour...
Hmmm, Pizza Cafe's Pizza...
Just Hungry~
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Post No:#917 Labels: DeviantART
Lost room by =fogke on deviantART
^^ This got me thinking...
Sometimes, you know something won't work, yet you still wanna give it a try.
It's fine until, you know that you were right to begin with...
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