Post No:#885 Labels: Recipes
Recipe: Shrimp Chive Dumplings
Made shrimp chive dumplings for dinner today! Joe said that it's yummy so you guys should trust him.I bought ready-made dumpling wrappers/skins to wrap the filling in, so the recipe contains only ingredients for the filling and steps on cooking.
Ingredients for Filling (makes about 22-25?) (Estimated amount)
400g Prawns, shelled and diced (1 large prawn = 5 pieces)
1/2 bunch Chives, chopped into short pieces
1 Egg White
1.5 tbsp Fish Sauce
2 tbsp Sesame Oil
2 tbsp Cornflour
1 tsp Chicken Bouillon Powder
1 tsp Sugar
Salt & Pepper to taste
-Mix all above ingredients in a bowl and set in fridge to marinate for about 15 minutes
-Fill the centre of each dumpling wrapper with about a tablespoon of filling, wet sides and fold in half forming a semi-circle. Press sides to seal.
-Heat a pan with vegetable oil to high heat
-Place dumplings in pan and fry for about 1 minute
-Add about add a splash of water into the pan, cover and 'steam' the dumplings for about 2-3 minutes
-Remove cover, and continue pan frying over medium heat till one side is golden brown
-Remove from pan and serve either plain or with dipping sauce
*For dipping sauce, combine soy sauce, chili oil, vinegar and sugar.
*You can also boil, steam or deep-fry the the dumplings instead of pan-frying.
*Cooking times are an estimate, I don't time when I am cooking...>.>
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Post No:#884 -Mix up all ingredients and form a loose patty, about an inch thick Labels: Recipes
Lamb burger!Ingredients (estimated amount) for patty:
Handful of Lamb Mince
Splash of Red Wine
Chunky Garlic Blend (1.5 tbsp)
1/2 onion chopped
Breadcrumbs (1.5tbsp)
Salt & Pepper to taste
-Heat up a grill pan or a normal frying pan with some oil till hot
-Sear both sides of the patty for about 2 minutes each, then turn heat down and cook for about 4 minutes.
-Remove from heat
Ingredients for toppings:
1/2 Onion, sliced
3 Cup Mushrooms, sliced
Salt & Pepper to taste
Honey, optional (1 tbsp)
Lettuce, either whole pieces or shredded. I use whole baby cos lettuce pieces
Honey Mustard, optional
-Saute onions and mushrooms till soft, season with salt and pepper
-Add honey to onion and mushrooms and stir to coat, let it cook till honey caramelises (this helps to mimic "caramelised onions")
-Remove from heat
Assembly: (I am sure you don't need this)
-Slice a burger bun in half or use 2 slices of bread of your choice
-Place lamb patty on a slice of bread, top with onion and mushrooms
-Top with lettuce and a dollop of honey mustard
-Place other slice of bread ontop~
*Other variations can be made to the patty like adding herbs or leaving the wine out if you don't take alcohol.
*Searing the patty on both sides on high heat helps retain juices so you don't get a dried out patty
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Post No:#883 Labels: Randoms
I just took this Horoscope Analysis on Facebook, and it's so accurate it's creepy! It's in Chinese and I took some time to read through it as it's so long, but I won't translate it. =D
Highlighting the parts that I think are too accurate.
多情:很多人说射手座多情,尤其是男性。其实在射手座人的心目中,对于爱情确实有理想化的倾向,和他们谈恋爱,是一件高难度的事情。他们非常讨厌俗气的人,所以你不能很物质或喜欢谈钱,但是他们又很现实,所以你不能一文不名,各方面也必须有一定的实力。物质与精神,你必须平衡的刚刚好,才让他们觉得你值得去爱。或者,你有足够的神秘感,可以让他们不知道你的缺点在哪里,而盲目的爱你。一般,当然是没有完美无缺的人的,所以,可能象金牛座这样永远会让射手感觉捉摸不透的闷闷的人,会非常吸引他们;或者象双子那样,足够机智,懂得察言观色,捕捉他们的情绪,才会让他们感觉到爱情的甜蜜。一般射手的感情模式是,第一阶段,你们还不熟悉,他(她)爱上了你,非常热情。第二阶段,你们逐渐熟悉,而他(她)开始龟毛,整天挑剔你的毛病,无论是背地里还是当面。如果你有幸通过他(她)的挑剔过程,基本挑剔出的毛病为零或者你把缺点保密的非常好;那么进入第三阶段,他们就又是忠诚和热情的爱人了。但是基本能通过第二阶段的人非常少,所以有了射手多情一说。其实射手对恋人的挑剔,是源于对爱情的挑剔,对丧失自由感的恐惧。 射手座人的人生,往往是幸运的,因为他们是聪慧的、明朗的、通透的。与众不同,也许是他们终生追求的梦想,希望每一个射手人,可以找到他们的梦想!
人人都说射手座是感情的骗子,对爱情不尊重,只追求片刻的快感,是花心与冲满欲望的象征。朋友们…你们了解射手座最真实的一面吗? 射手座是大孩子,天真与善良,遇到爱情时,可能让人感觉不认真,付出的比谁都少。可是,知道吗?射手座很想爱,却也很怕爱!刚开始他们只是慢慢的付出,谨慎的爱,好怕自己会受伤。可是在一句一句的爱,一天一天的相处下,射手座把带刺的防备丢掉,开始不顾一切的去爱他们所爱的人,在别人眼中,只是射手座为了达到某种目的而作的行动。可射手座不介意,他会在自己幸福的想象中陶醉,希望对方能感受自己的爱,想对方觉得与自己一齐是幸福的。 在射手座爱上了一个人,他会把自己放到最后。有苦自己承担,可能会因为吵了一场小架而不开心,却也是最快认错,无论谁的错,他们都会包容,知道吗?射手座会因为深爱一个人而原谅他的背叛,会因为你的一句话付出很多。他们爱玩,在玩的同时,也希望把那一份好心情带给你,射手座是乐观的。
人们总觉得射手座的世界很快乐,可是呢?射手座难过时没有人知道,他不想让别人可怜自己,射手座不坚强,可是很善良。在你难过时哄你开心,让你有依靠,分手后,他会哭者去想属于你们俩幸福的回忆,也不想爱的人因为同情而勉强和他一齐。他比谁都希望自己爱的人快乐幸福,却常常忽略了自己,全身都是伤也笑着告诉你,我很好不用担心。 在所有人看到他的笑容以为他没事,却不知道失恋对射手座有多大伤害,华丽的外表下有一颗脆弱的需要别人了解和安慰的心。知道嘛?你的一点关心,心思细腻的射手座会记得你对他的好,把自己的爱毫无保留的送给你,射手座是不被了解的,可他们不会怨谁。他们会傻傻的认为,让我承担吧,别让别人也受到伤害。所以,不要让快乐的射手座痛苦,别让他们最有魅力的笑容成为掩饰痛苦的伪装,认真爱射手座。你会知道射手座的爱,是充满泪水的…
It hit on so many things that other analysis that I have taken never came up with! Especially about the Taurus and that I like to be different.
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Post No:#882 Labels: Everyday's Post
Yes yes, I know I haven't been updating the blog. >.>...Twitter reduces the incentive for proper blogging.
Anyways, check this video out, it's instrumental, mainly guitar and it's awesome.
Yan Hao's got me hooked onto Depapepe! And cause I am using blardy Vista, I can't record the songs via Audacity, which is plain annoying.
Celebrated Phoenix's birthday at Yuki's place yesterday! Dinner was awesome and Yuki also baked an awesome sponge cake topped with cream, peach slices and blueberries. Yummeh~
Hmmm, been busy with pracs at Gatton on Fridays! Had a Pig Handling Prac which was pretty boring cause we weren't allowed into the Piggery as they were afraid that WE might give the pigs there Swine Flu, I don't mind cause then I didn't smell like pig for 5 days afterwards.
Did a post-mortem on a sow which died that morning and it was totally messed up. It had stomach ulcers and one made a hole in the stomach so when we opened her up, the whole abdominal cavity was overflowing with brownish red liquid. Stank to high heavens too~ And other details, I shall not provide~
Had Cow Handling prac the Friday that just passed, and it was pretty cool! Except that it was really tiring. Got a ride from Andrew there and back! =D Stevo drove us back from Pig prac the other time. =d
Friday was awesome. XD Was so damn tired, and then go pissed off by people and fell asleep after dinner. Joe got home and asked me to drink with him, that kuku bought a case (2 dozen) bottles of Coronas! =.="...Downed 2 cause I was in a bad mood and got a little tipsy in his room.
Headed down to the city for pool, and Geon was staring at me while I just grinned like some idiot and he said "Are you drunk?!" I am not DRUNK! I am only tipsy, then I fell asleep there for an hour while Joe and Hao played. Joe kept on going about how I am a lousy drinker cause I was pissed after 2 bottle of Coronas. =.="...I WASN'T DRUNK! Only tipsy~
Hmm...I don't think there's much to update. No photos either.
Cheers guys!
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Post No:#881 Labels: Randoms
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