Post No:#871 Labels: Everyday's Post
I shall just be totally irresponsible and say that I am not blogging cause I am too busy with Uni! =.=" Which is kinda true though I spend 2 hours sleeping in someone elses' room after I get home...
The timetable this semster is shit! I have classes starting at 8am EVERYDAY (except Fridays, which are worse) and ending at 6pm or 4pm earliest due to practicals.
I say Fridays are worse cause I have to get to Gatton by 9am...If it was 8am, I can just take the intercampus bus, but cause it's 9am, I have like 1 whole hour to spare...I guess I can just go to the cafe or library and hang around for an hour...
At least I don't have to go every Friday. Hmm...Asked Joe if he could send me there or drive me back and his first reaction was "Are you kidding me?!?! You think it's Sunnybank ar?!"...XD But he said he would consider...0.o (Or he could drive me to uni to catch the 6.15am intercampus bus)
If he does drive me there/back, then he's like the best housemate ever, minus all those "fights" when he thinks I am pissed at him and thus ignores me, then I think that he's ignoring me so I get pissed! >.>...
So I said "Next time you think I am pissed, then you should ask before I really get pissed cause you are ignoring me!" to which he replied "我管你那麽多幹嗎? 你又不是我女朋友..." (Why should I care, it's not like you are my girlfriend...)
I will update about the last of my holidays by Friday night!
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Post No:#870 OKAY! Now I have to go update my FB cause my mum wants the photos for the Jap Restaurant up...>.> Random cracked railing at E Hub~ -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post
Sorry for not updating for so loong! Been ultra busy hanging out with Hans, Yeleng and Pan Li~
Flight at 9.25am later this morning and am gonna touchdown in Brisbane at 7.30pm, exiting Customs at prolly around 8pm. Hao and Joe are gonna pick me up! =D Happy~
Anyways, pictures in random order!
- Chill session at Plaza Singapura's TCC with Hans and Pan Li. We said his hair was too flat and decided to mohawk it~ - Lunches with Yang Hao, also at Plaza Sing. =D
-Haagen Daazs Ice Cream with Yeleng at Tampines Mall. And a photo of Yeleng while waiting for Ice Age 3~
-At Cineleisure's Xing Wang Hong Kong Cafe while waiting for Yeleng
-Met Hans for lunch at Plaza Singapura, then chilled at Starbucks. That idiot had this stupid bobbing head pen and kept using it to irritate me...=.="...
-Dinner with Hans and Yeleng at Tampines Malls' Fish & Co. Hans' smiling cause I "pit che"/Voice break while I was talking...AGAIN!
-Dinner @ Tony Roma's with Hans and Pan Li~
Hans' serving us girls! Super nice...XD, I mean both him and the food~ He did the same for Yeleng's Fish and Chips at Fish & Co. too~ He thinks that most girls look horrible while cutting up ribs so he's doing it for us!
What I did so far with the pals:
1) Watched "I Love You, Man" with Hans and Yeleng
2) KBox with Hans and Talisa
3) KBox with Hans, Yeleng and Pan Li
4) Watched "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" with Hans and Yeleng
5) Watched "Ice Age 3" with Hans, Yeleng and Pan Li
6) Met Yang Hao for pool a few times while he was here. Hans and Pan Li joined us sometimes.
7) Drove Dad's car to pick up Hans and Pan Li then went for dinner at Tony Roma's! =D
Took me 1hour to get from Lavender to Pasir Ris cause I got lost WHILE USING A GPS! =.="...Have no idea how the heck I ended up at Changi Airport then got lost in Loyang Ave. I am an idiot.
Post No:#869 Labels: Randoms
Say hello to my best friend by ~butterscotchfart on deviantART
My best friend, am I your best friend too? XD
"have you ever been in love?
he's my best friend, best of all best friends,
do you have a best friend too?"
-Best Friend by Toybox-
The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
"Promise you won't forget me, because if I thought you would, I'd never leave."
-Winnie the Pooh-
If my bestie said what Winnie said, then I would say "No, I won't promise you, cause if I did then you could leave."
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Mini Edit: I just joined the twitter community and will be posting short updates on the go!! Now you can just come and read whenever! XD...The Twitter updates are under "Follow me, Twitter" on the sidebar! =D Labels: Everyday's Post
Post No:#868
Awaiting my KFC delivery cause there's nothing to eat at home... XD...Bought a new handphone pouch~ The first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was Hans! Then, Bobby...XD
ANYWAYS...A few pieces of news:
1)I was abducted by aliens and brainwashed!!!!
XD...No lah, I was getting a haircut/dye/perm at Estique Salon with my stylist Wini!!! =D, Yes, you read it right, PERM!
The aftermath: I like it! =D Thankies Wini~
Lol, the tester was a pretty cool person I guess, he cut short my test route after heading out the circuit so I pretty much just drove one round back without doing much lane changing or any U-turns. Wasn't tested on the slopes in the circuit nor emergency brakeing. LOL, but I passed, so that's what matters. Drove my mum's car with my parents and brother in it and my Dad was holding on for DEAR LIFE in the back seat. =.="...MY driving is not even as scary as Joe's!!! Blah...
3) Mum bought me a new Laptop! =D...It is NOT pink! The color's called Beige! Sony's Vaio CS36. It's pretty good, at a decent weight and the graphics and speed are at a more than reasonable level. =D
Sent the old SZ18 for repair. They haven't called me about it...But the person estimated the cost to be around $500, Mum says go ahead with it, so yea...
4) I have to go back for supp papers!! But my flight date remains unchanged cause there are no seats available on other flights unless I am to fly on Thursday night, which I do not want to! Guess I will have to study online then...0.o"...
I think that's about it~
Other random shots this holiday will be updated next time cause my internet connection keeps disconnecting! Stupid
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Post No:#867 Labels: Rants
Screwed up plans
Fucked up semester...
Will update again on the night of the 11th.
Till then...
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