Post No: #809 Labels: Rants
Hmmm, why do I have to find out everything through everyone else when.......ah well.
Fudge insomnia.
Fudge 8am lessons,
Fudge 9am lessons,
Fudge everything,
I quote "Being emo once in a while is healthy. Approved by doctor one." (Hans, 2009)
emo emo emo emo
I need someone to talk to...Where's your pillow when you need him? BLAH
Wait...We don't talk no more. XD
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Post No:#808 -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post
Today: Dr. Jekyll?
Went out for pool on Thursday and Friday with Kit, Yang Hao and Joe. Nothing much there...Then went grocery shopping at Sunndybank with Kin Fatt and Kit on Friday morning, had a buffet brunch which was pretty good! I love prawns! XD
Shopped with Kin Fatt in the city yesterday cause I was looking for something that my dad wanted me to find but didn't wanna go alone so I got him to join me (he volunteered!!). Didn't find what my dad was looking for but I bought a 3kg dumb-bell...For exercise! And to throw at people when they piss me off...0.o"
Then Vanessa came over in the evening and stayed over cause we only realised it was too late for her to go home alone when it was 12.45am or something. ^^ Woke up, went to have brunch at Macs in Toowong Village. Proceeded to shop abit at K Mart where I bought a men's 4XL shirt to sleep in, it's 4XL, it's HUGE, BUT STILL TOO SHORT, just covers my ass...=.="...Otherwise it's like really comfy to sleep in. I am just too damn tall...XD
Came home and then we started a photoshoot session thing. XD, photos are up on facebook. But this one that Vanessa took of me is my fav! Yea, it's my FB profile pic, it's my MSN picture and also my DeviantID...XD
Post No:#807 Labels: Ramblings
It's not gonna help your problems,
it's only gonna jeopardise your health.
Going overboard with drinking isn't enough?
You gotta add SMOKING to it? Even if it's just that 2 or 3 sticks a year...
Seriously, I think you are just seeking attention.
But then, my views don't matter, cause,
I am nobody, I am just your "housemate",
and apparently, 我們一點都不熟...isn't it?
I guess, I am just dissapointed. (and obviously worried)
Not that you would care
Well, it's prolly a good thing,
cause, I am just gonna like you less and less...
Which is good for my health and my finance...
I am always here to listen, it's just...
Nobody wants to tell anything.
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Post No:#806 Labels: Everyday's Post
Today: Mr. Hyde
Met Kin Fatt for lunchies in the city today, the taiwan place in the alley!! He came over to meet me then we went together. Had 滷肉飯!! He had 排骨飯, and we shared a plate of fried tofus! He paid! YAY! Thank you Fatt-gor! Hahas, the 滷肉飯 was okay, but it was really too oily for me and I got sick of it halfway through. Had frozen yoghurt with oreo after that for dessert, and we just window shopped around till he had to go back to school.
Went to look for Hao after that at the cyber cafe, wanted to print lecture notes and I realised that none of the notes were really important stuff...Watched Love at Aegean Sea (I am so slow, I KNOW) and Vanessa came and we talked till like 4.30pm and left for Toowong cause she wanted Pi Pa Gao~ Ended up just talking and stuff, then went for dinner!
Hmmm, nothing much happened today.
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Post No:#805 Labels: Everyday's Post
Must be that damn "Anjoy Cold" medicine. I totally forgot that it makes you drowsy and I had it after breakfast cause I didn't want a coughing fit in class. Ended up sleeping and I sat like right SMACK in front of the lecturer...*dies*
Subway's opening in the Main Refractory tomorrow! I can just imagine the line that's gonna go from the subway counter, out the door and up the steps which will just get in everyone's way during lunch rush. But it's a good thing! Cause the food in the cafeteria is just...disgusting.
ANYWAYS, I just heard news...And I asked Hans, and the first thing he said is that: "It's not appropriate..." to which I TOTALLY AGREE. I am so gonna laugh when that guy falls on his ass, then when I stop laughing (which will take some time) I will tell him why. What's wrong with his EQ? Like SERIOUSLY?!
Haiz...Guys with no balls...Can't stand them, pity them, yet to despise them though.
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Post No:#804 Labels: Everyday's Post
Today: ???
XD...Last night was funny & cute.
"I haven't got my pants on, don't you lift the blanket!"
Times like this should occur more often.
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Post No:#803 Labels: Rants
Today: SUPER Dr. Jekyll
Lost my appetite, hungry, can't be bothered to cook.
Sudden urge to exercise
I suddenly hate myself...
The way I look...
Ah~ fuck...
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Post No:#802 Labels: Movies
Today: Dr. Jekyll
A few movies I want to catch:
- Knowing!! (Drama/Mystery). Starring Nicholas Cage. (26th March)
- The Uninvited (Suspense, remake of Korean movie "A Tale of 2 Sisters"). (26th March)
- Fast & Furious!!!! (Action, 4th addition to The Fast and The Furious series), Starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. (16th April)
I AM SO SLEEPY! And it's not even 9 yet, and I only have classes at 1 tomorrow! YAY!!!!!
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Post No:#801 Labels: Everyday's Post
Today: Dr. Jekyll
^^ Happy days
Sent dinner to Yang Hao at his workplace on Friday night cause Joe originally didn't want dinner home anyway, but seemed to changed his mind when he saw the braised Beancurd sticks with Pork Belly (just like how my grandma does it! ^^), and he was complaining about why didn't he get a boxed dinner when he said he didn't WANT dinner. Chao kuku...>.>
Anyways, I brought Hao's dinner and mine along to his workplace (cyber cafe) where I spammed the net to watched my taiwan drama series since the internet in my place has exploded. Played pool with Kit after that, and missed the 11.20pm bus so I had to wait another 40 mins for the 12.20am bus. -.-"...Got home and tried to sleep but my blocked nose kept me up till 3am or something.
Woke up and saw a post-it on his toilet door saying "Could you do me a favour? Take my cloths out from the washing machine and hand it up. P.S Chould you put my work cloths + black paints in the dryer too? Thank you. XO" and I actually made sense of it all while I was only half awake. I thought he was cute with the broken english and ugly handwriting. No, I am not making fun of him on my blog, I just thought it was cute! He could have written it in Chinese, but he prolly thought that I would have a hard time reading it...Which would be half true.
Watched Made Of Honor! IT'S SUCH AN AWESOME MOVIE, I bet it's gonna be a classic. Can prolly watch it a few time without getting tired of it. I quote the movie "Nobody in this world makes me laugh the way you do. You are my best friend, I just want to be with you." SO SWEET RIGHT?!?!?! *sighs*
Met Hao & his 'family' (Kit, Stella & Chloe) for lunchies and grocery shopping! =D...Didn't get much cause I got most of my stuff the day before with Kin Fatt as well when we went to blockbusters to rent some movies. ^^
Vanessa and Jessica came over to have a late lunch, then take Pi Pa Gao cause they have major sore throats as well, and then dinner and movies. Met Kin Fatt before meeting Jess & Nessa cause he was gonna pass me some barley so I can make a cooling barley drink for my cough and stuff. So nice right?! XD...
Pooled again after dinner (Kin Fatt, Kit, Yang Hao & I) , then went for a late supper at PANCAKE MANOR!!! YAY~! I finally had my waffles with caramel and ice cream. Ordered chips and a caesar salad to share with the guys as well. Then shared the cab home with Kin Fatt, and the other 2 guys biked home from the city.
Homework day tomorrow. If I get round to it...
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Post No:#800!!! Labels: Everyday's Post
Whoo! My 800th post! And it's gonna be real short cause I am tired.I caught it and it costed me $2! ($1 per try!) It says "中午吃啥? *咕嚕~咕嚕ing~*" (What's for lunch? *stomach grumbling noise*). Uber cute!
The purple one's gone, I guess someone else took it. Oh wells!
Tired, nights!
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Post No:#799 Labels: Everyday's Post
Today: Mr. Hyde (tired) -> Dr. Jekyll
I hate school. Well, no, not really, I just hate 3 of my courses cause they are so boring. I think imma have to hole myself up in my room to study Biochem and hopefully actually LEARN SOMETHING...Unlike in lectures.
I am so damn lazy, I don't feel like cooking, but I still gotta eat, so I am gonna make mapo tofu with rice again for dinner, it's quick and it's easy enough. Well, it's not as if he's gonna have dinner home or anything so it doesn't really matter what I cook. I think I need more veggies in my diet before I turn into a full-fledge carnivore...0.o"
Went to Chinatown with Kin Fatt after classes and got that "Pi Pa Gao" thing that helps with sore throats, I like taking that, it's sweet, think I will take another spoonful. Got some drinks and my BBQ pork buns for breakfasts, came home, and decided to rent some movies; Make It Happen (Dance), You Don't Mess With The Zohan (Comedy), The Librarian 3: Curse of the Judas Chalice (Action/Adventure), cause the weather's great for slacking off and doing nothing!
I just wanna sleeep~
No. Actuallly, I WANT KARAOKE. 0.0"
Edit: Okay, so he ended up having dinner home! Mapo Tofu, and 油菜, and he had his seafood extravaganza (prawns + crab). Watched The Librarian 3 with him during dinner and I reckon it was okay, but got a little slow near the end. 0.o"
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Post No:#798 Labels: Everyday's Post
Today: Dr. Jekyll
I hate being sick...
Well, who doesn't...=.="
Woke up this morning with no voice whatsoever and a major headache, plus the most hated of all, a BLOCKED NOSE! I can take headaches, I can take fevers, damn, I will even take on Pneumonia to get my nose unblocked! I hate not being able to breathe properly...Couldn't get outta bed, so I slept in and skept school. 0.0"...
Woke up a while later at about 8am and got myself some water, went back to bed and forgot to close my door so I could hear Joe waking up to go the the toilet and all the noises in the toilet cause he didn't close the door or something. Couldn't be bothered to get up to close it. Woke up again at about 10.30am and he was like "You are home!?" and I was like "I was home all the while...You thought I was out?", then he went "Yea..." and I was thinking "You obviously don't observe enough, all my shoes were on the shoe rack, my music was turned on in my room, my lunch was still in the fridge..."
Made lunchies of smoked salmon sandwiches and Joe was going like "oooh! Skip lessons oh! You are not supposed to skip lessons~" and I was like "Eh, I am sick and I am resting at home, is that wrong?" and he went "Of course!"...and I was thinking "Hey, he is interactive today..."
He gave me some lemsip drink thingy for the flu and a gurgle for the sore throat, which then made me sleepy after awhile so I slept again from 12noon only to be waken up by him flicking my blanket and asking me to wake up...Idiot! I am sick loh! Slept till 3.45 after that and went to have a jam lamington cause I was hungry, and he just went "Stop eating lah 死阿胖!!" and I went "Shut up, I am hungry and only Han Chiang can call me that..." Idiot, bullying a sick person, whack me with his cushion somemore!
=.="...Dinner at Hao's later!
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Post No:#797 Labels: Randoms
"the phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" coming to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from one situation to the next."
I am tired... Shower, then sleep...
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Post No:#796 Labels: Randoms
Something I came up with on the phone with Vanessa, the different variations of 可愛!
The Negatives:
The Positives:
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Post No:#795 Labels: Everyday's Post
Yang Hao's place for dinner later! I can't be bothered to cook, and I don't wanna have dinner alone again so I called him up and asked if I could go over.
I am like so friggin bored.
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Post No:#794 Labels: Jokes
Conversation in the kitchen:-
Joe: Eh, why is the penguin only white in front?
Me: Is that a trick question?! 0.0"
Joe: Yes, so why??
Me: Cause...It slides down the front and the black color wore off? 0.o"
Joe: No...Come on, why?
Me: I don't know!
Joe: Cause it's flippers are too short and can only reach the front when they ae showering! *Bursts into laughter*
Me: WHA!? *Almost chokes on water*
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Post No:#793 Well, I don't think there's anything else to update... -Logged Off- Labels: Everyday's Post, Food
Last night was LAKSA NIGHT! And I must remember to get more laksa pre-mixes next time cause there just wasn't enough laksa sauce and some of us had Laksa 乾撈面 (Dried laksa noodles) instead!! XD...But then again, the premixes were sold out in Chinatown and I got the last 3 boxes from 2 stores, the main thing is, everyone enjoyed themselves.
It's good to hear the noises made during a reunion. Updating of news, jokes and happenings, planning of future meetings and basically just catching up with each other after the major holidays.
Anyways, half of us headed off to the city for pool & the soccer match between Man U and Liverpool after dinner, and the other half stayed at Hao's place to chat. There are these doll catching machines at the pool parlour and I really wanted to get this MashiMaro plushie, it's absolute cuteness! It says "他丁丁(腦慘) 啦! 別理他!" which when translated is: "He's "ding ding" (mentally retarded)! Ignore him!"There was another one that was orange and it said "中午吃啥?" which when translated is: "What's for lunch?" and it's sooooo cute! Couldn't get either of them cause the machine was placed there to cheat people's money. Hmm, should go hunting around for these when I am back in Singapore. Help me look out for it okay!?
So yea, we played pool, then Ping Chiuan and I headed home while Kit, Kin Fatt, Yang Hao and Chloe headed off to watch the match, which LIVERPOOL WON 4-1!!! WHOO~
Got woken up by a phone call asking me to cook lunch at about 11am this morning. So I was making lunch halfway when Joe got home and meddled about in the kitchen as usual and messed up part of our lunch, the egg. He wanted to make basil omelette and he just cut the bunch of basil in half and chucked it into the pan with the egg. No chopping, no nothing, just the whole bunch of basil, and then when he ate it, he went "The stalk very hard!!" and I was like "Duh~" *rolls eyes*...Yang Hao thinks I should educate him about cooking...XD
Went out with Kin Fatt for grocery shopping as usual! =D, he's fun to shop with! ^^...Got home, and made dinner for myself again. I hate having dinner alone...The food never tastes as good when you are having it alone.Chilli Crab! Plus stir fried french beans with sausage and Tri-Colored Eggs (三色蛋) which is basically Salted Duck Eggs, Preserved Duck Eggs and normal Chicken Eggs steamed together. Yum Yum. Left half of each dish except the crab for tomorrow's lunch, cause the crab would be too much trouble to eat in school.
Post No: #792 Labels: Reflections
Even though watching the vids only makes the missing worse, I still watch it to remember his antics, his voice and just everything about him. Not that I will forget, but...I just need a feel of that presence every now and then, for support.
You seriously don't know how much you really mean to me. No, I don't like you anymore, that's a sure thing, but you are just such an awesome person. Prolly the bestest ever, irreplaceable, biggest idiot in this world.
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Post No: #791 Labels: Everyday's Post
I just noticed that it's Friday the 13th when I saw the date on this post!
Gonna go sleep in a while...I am tired~ I think I laughed too much just now...
Well, today wasn't my major rest day afterall, cause Joe woke me up at about 9.49am by whacking me just to borrow $2... So I woke up, and made apple & cinnamon muffins, then Kin Fatt called and asked if I wanted to go to Chinatown with him to get the stuff for Laksa Night cause he needed to get some groceries as well.
So in the end, he came over, then we went to the 3 mobile repair shop to get his phone repaired (the screen was upside down...0.o"), then we went on the bus where we met Irene on her way to work and she was telling us that she will be late for work cause she still needed to head over Spring Hill to get some apartment keys for her uncle, so Kin Fatt & I decided to go get it for her since we are so free anyways.
Walked from city up to Bowen st in Spring Hill, took the keys and went to Chinatown for lunchies and groceries. Headed back to the city, passed the keys to Irene, headed back to 3 mobile to pick up his phone, then walked to the bus stop to get a bus home...=.="...We went out at 11am and got home at 3pm...0.o"...Alot of walking today~
Met up with Vanessa and Jessica for dinner at about 6.45, then went to disturb Yang Hao at his work place, plus print my lecture notes and just hung out there till he closed...And we went to Cue City to meet up with Kin Fatt & Kit for pool! Vanessa and Jess came along cause they had to wait for Carrie anyway (clubbing)...Was laughing throughout the time there, I don't even know why I was so "high"!? Went home at about 11pm and managed to get the bus just before it left.
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Post No:#790 Labels: Everyday's Post
Thursday is over again, and it's the start of the weekend for me cause I don't have classes tomorrow!! Been telling Katey about how I feel like having fried chicken all day! XD
Had lunchies with Hao as usual...Hmmm, nothing much happened in school today. And after these 2 weeks, I realised that the only class I really like is ANIM1024, which is Animal Husbandry which is interesting cause even though we don't have hands on prac with the animals yet, we learn about them and stuff like that.
Other courses like BIOC1011 (Biochemistry! T.T) and VETS1022 (Veterinary Histology) is just plain work, work and more work while VETS1018 is simply, boring and even though it might not be a total waste of time, I just am not that into management and stuff at this stage in Vet studies.
Well, I made Mapo Tofu with Yang Hao's 'New and Improved' Recipe! And somehow, my mapo tofu is still dry-ish while his has some sauce and he still uses cornflour solution to thicken it. BLAH, my skills are lousy, but the tofu tasted good...=D, just pair it with steamed rice and you can't go wrong~ Yum yum~ Lunch for tomorrow~
Then Joe went "I feel like fried chicken...let's go KFC" and I was like "You know what, I have been wanting fried chicken today too!" so we drove to the KFC at Indooroopilly at around 9pm? To get 2 pieces of fried chicken (1 each), then came home and ate it...IT was bloody inside! zzz...
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Post No: #789 Labels: Everyday's Post
Classes ended at 1pm today!! They started at 8am, but I might as well have slept in and not gone for them cause I was literally sleeping throughout the whole 3 hours of lectures from 8-11!! Too little sleep + no breakfast = Sleepy~
Anyways, I managed to get Joe to go to Sunnybank for lunchies at Oishii Sushi (YAY!) cause I was kinda wanting their Spider Salad (Spider means Soft Shell Crab in this context), and so I was asking him and he said he would pick me up from school at 1, then we can go.
I paid, as usual, but seeing that he paid for the lobster yesterday and for the dessert we had after the sushi, and that he drove, I think it all balanced out...
Anyways, we had salmon sashimi, spider salad, spider roll, 3 temakis (tempura, california & unagi) and spider tempura! That's alot of soft shell crabs...2 each in the tempura and the salad and at least 1 in the roll. XD...Went for dessert after that, 豆花 (tau huay/soy custard)!!! Yum yum...He paid~
Went to buy from groceries as well since we were at Sunnybank anyway...Bought stuff that Hao wanted and it was DAMN HEAVY! =.="...
After that: Got home, watched anime, fell asleep, turned on the lights and the fused burnt out with a loud pop, fell asleep again, Joe came home, asked him if he could replaced the lights for me, he tried but apparently something inside the socket is broken or something and the bulb just won't light up, he went out, I poked around the light bulb and TADAH! The light came on after a while...Poking works wonders~
ANYWAYS, I gonna go shower...
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Post No:#788 Labels: Everyday's Post
I am so totally supposed to be sleeping right now! But then...Oh wells...XD
Having a whole lobster by yourself is probably one of the most satisfying things in life (well, to me anyways, but I could have had another...XD). One whole freaking lobster just waiting for you to crack it up and eat it! And mine had loads of the gunk in the head area so I LOVED IT! Thanks to my "cute and lovely" housemate who bought them for a late "dinner" and paid for it! I probably only really eat my crustaceans to the max (removing all traces of meat) when I am in Australia cause they are so freaking expensive here!? I even plucked the meat from the head appendages, it was so clean that you don't see even a trace of lobster meat anywhere. YUM YUM!
He rented Max Pane from Blockbusters, and we were like pulling the lobsters to bits while watching that movie, and I fell asleep towards the end (AGAIN!)!!! Didn't think the movie was any impressive though...0.o"...Or maybe I was too focused on the lobsters, heh...
Met Yang Hao for lunchies in school today! And we finished up the last of the cheesecakes that I made during the weekend...I love my individual cheesecakes~
Hmmmm, nothing much to update though...GOTTA GO SHOWER AND SLEEP!
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Post No:#787 Labels: Everyday's Post
ARRGH, I woke up too damn early! =.="...And Joe's already outta door (0.o")...And I have no umbrella when it looks like it's gonna rain! TMD TMD TMD!!! T.T
I think I can write a book on the (I quote) "Twisted logic of my housemate". XD He's super funny!
I was cooking salmon and this was the conversation...
He went: "Don't put salt on the salmon!"
Me: "Huh, why? *Thinks: It's too late cause I marinated the salmon with salt and pepper*
Him: "Cause it's a salt-water fish, so why do you need to put salt on salt-water fish? Makes sense right."
Me: "oooooh...I see..." *Thinks: wtf? But I can't be bothered to talk logic...I thought he had a logical answer like it will dehydrate the fish or something cause salt draws out water?! *
Maybe that's why he didn't bother to clean the salmon fish head when he made that soup..."It lives in water anyway, clean for what?"...XD XD XD Damn cute...
I saw David in school yesterday! Like after A YEAR OR SOMETHING! I finally saw my PILLOW!
Anyhows I have to prepare to go to school, IT'S FREEZING IN MY HOUSE! Cause the sunlight never actually gets in to warm up the place! I can totally picture freezing my butt off in winter...Not a nice sight.
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Post No:#786 Labels: Birthdays, Everyday's Post
Okay, so CNY photos due from damn long ago! It's tradition every year that the kids in my family go down on our knees for the CNY greetings! We had to come up with 10 CNY phrases this year. And now the photos from Halif's B'day celebration (Chocolate Fondue @ Breeks!)
I don't know what's with Breeks and avocado. They served chocolate fondue with avocado!? It was kinda gross...=.=", and they have like avocado shakes (with cookies and cream!?) and other weird stuff. XD, but other than the weird concoctions, the food is pretty alright! =D
Wells...I think that's all I have left from Singapore other than the ones in my mobile phone which I can't be bothered to bluetooth to my laptop. XD
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Post No:#785 Labels: Rants
I am in the "I miss ________" mood...=.="
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Post No:#784 Labels: Everyday's Post
I just realised how much I missed swimming, even though I am almost a sinker cause I swim like damn slow? XD, having a pool in the compound is awesome, at least I get some exercise done without having to pay for gym, though I might have to change activities when winter hits (maybe jogging? 0.0")
ANYWAYS, I have Fridays off, and now that my timetable is pretty much set, it doesn't look any worse than last year's so that's pretty much alright.
Went and bought my ticket from SIA office today and it was cheaper than last years' (must be the recession) then went to Jeanswest to get 2 tops and a pair of berms cause it's getting too damn hot to wear jeans all the time.
Watched "The Omen" with Yang Hao last night. I rented the wrong version on Tuesday (cheap movie rental night) so we went to return it and get the right one. It was not as scary as I thought, certainly nothing compared to Shutter (Thai version), but it was an interesting show, I liked it! The ending was pretty freaky too. Watch it if you haven't ya?
Gonna watch Death Defying Acts later tonight by myself, prolly just gonna stick it in my laptop and watch it from here.
回到家後只聽到自己的回音...So Depressing~
I have an assignment where I have to call up a vet clinic and ask them for permission to stay in their clinic for about half a day to observe what they do in a clinic and all that, then to get into groups to put all information together. 0.o"...
Then I have a written assignment about the 20 causes of Epilepsy in Dogs. That's gonna be fun!!
Quote a lecturer who thinks shortening veterinarian to vet is a little demeaning of our job:
"You don't hear doctors calling themselves docs (dogs) or dentists calling themselves dents do you?" Then I was thinking "So psychologists are psychos..."
Hmm, I guess that's all I have to update about.
It's like the "Oh, I have someone I like, so fuck all those other people I know" period.
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Post no: #783 Labels: Everyday's Post
IT's SO DAMN HOT HERE! I need air con~
Anyways, it's the 3rd day of the semester and things are picking up. The vet students have planned like parties and stuff that I probably won't be attending cause they are all clubbing thingys and it's just (quote) "Not my scene"...Maybe I will go to a bbq or 2 though.
Lessons are becoming a wee bit more interesting even though the timetable's still really confusing and stuff. =.="...Me life here is almost the same as the one in Gatton except that Yang Hao & Co. are always nearby and almost always ready for pool or something like that. Other than that, I am still pretty much living like in Gatton (Wake up, school, home, cook, clean...etc.) and having a pretty much non-exsistent housemate doesn't help to cheer things up. =.="...
Guys~ *roll eyes*
I think I better find stuff to do during my free time before people get tired of me calling them out with the excuse of being "無聊啦~". Hmmmm...
Vet Science people are literally sucking my account dry!! $55 for UQVSA membership, $69 for AVA membership (optional), $50 for a set of mounted slides (refundable), almost $300 for textbooks AND $17,300 for school fees and some other stuff I can't remember...AND it's the first week!
ANYWAYS, I wanna go swimming in the tiny pool in the compound.
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Post No:#782 Labels: Everyday's Post
School has started! And I am suffering insomnia. Finally managed to fall asleep at around 2am I think (last time check before I slept was 1.40am), only to wake up at 5.30am! LIKE WTHECK?! What happened to the "I need 12 hours sleep" back in Singapore!?
Appetite's been weird as of late (after Hao went back to his place), would feel hungry, would cook, then wouldn't feel hungry anymore. Blargh...I think it's about time for curry.
Anyways, since I have been back in Brisbane for about a week, nothing much happened. Joe didn't get back till yesterday morning, so Yang Hao accompanied me for almost the full week. We played pool with Kit, Kin Fatt and Kit's brother (whom I still dunno the name of), and David was originally gonna come along but didn't.
In the end, we saw someone that looked like David, at the casino, who was the dealer for Blackjack! AND HIS NAME IS DAVID TOO!!! 0.0" He is just less built than David...Misses pillow neh! XD
Well...Rented a few movies with Hao; Asylum sucks so don't bother. Se7en was pretty good, so was Die Hard 3. Don't know about The Bunker, cause I was sleeping, Hao thinks it was good though (right?). Gonna rent The Omen!!
Hmmm, I guess there ain't much to update. Oh, Joe brought back yam pastries! Different from the ones Hans got, haven't tasted them yet, but should be pretty good, I think.
Vet Science timetable is totally confusing! They can't just get a fixed one cause sometimes, the classes just change locations and stuff like that. Then there's that retarded VETS1018, which we are supposed to have like 6 hours of contact time per week, but I think the timetable has like 12 hours, and they go like "Details to be confirmed by course co-ordinator"
Got mistaken as an American for the first lesson; this Aussie woman was talking to me and went like "So which part of America are you from? Canada?"...0.o"...Eh, true blue Singaporean leh! Eu wan me to talk liddat then eu will noe how difficult it is to understand what I talking loh! Oh wells...Ang Moh accents sound all the same to me anyhows, and my accent change (automatically) when I am talking to non-asians so I guess I can't help it.
Hmmm, better prep for school!
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Song: Fast Car
About Me
Meals + Snacks:
;Chicken Curry
;Da Pau (Meat Buns)
;Gyozas (Potstickers)
;Honey & Tumeric Wings
;Lamb Burger
;Shrimp & Chive Dumplings
;Steamed Prawns with Garlic Oil
;Tamagoyaki (Jap Omelette)
Sweets & Cakes:
;Chocolate Fudge Cookies
;Egg Tarts
;Individual Cheesecakes
;Ondeh Ondeh
;Oreo Cheesecake
The Memories
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
January 2011
March 2011
August 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
Talk To Me
;Ah Bing's Blog
;Benjamin's Blog
;Faizah's Blog
;Irene's Blog
;Ivy's Blog
;Samantha's Blog
;Victoria's Blog
Other Blogs
;Kenny Sia's Blog
;Xiaxue's Blog
My Other Stuff
;My Blogskins
;My DeviantArt
Skin By:Scorpiona
Custom Image by: Ho Yan Hao, Singapore
Coding: With help from